
I can't help but focus on the genetics here, like with Teagan & Sara. So interesting to me, the idea of a "trans gene" or whatever. No one else seems to care about such things though.

I.am not a big Wachowskis fan but I loved Jupiter Ascending.

I wouldn't for "every show I watch" either. For my favorites though it is certainly nice to have the best audio/video quality, extras, permanent ownership and (sometimes) cool box. Obviously a lot of people now-a-days don't feel that way however, hence the jokey tone of my comment.

It's nice to have the whole series on these weird things called Blu-rays and DVDs. They're discs that spin and the show plays on the TV with no internet connection! It's like magic!

Don't think I had that in Chicago but sounds like a great option anyway. Thanks!

I spent a week in Chicago and loved that pizza so much I ate it like 5 times in 7 days. I would probably move there just for the pizza if the wife wasn't around to veto it.

Radio is an easy (and free) way to discover new music or to kill the silence. I usually don't even bother hooking my phone up, radio is just there at the touch of a button.

Yes, the entire idea of owning media is going to die across a couple generations. Corporations are loving it, too. I still collect movies (on blu-ray) and pretty much everyone in my social circle now thinks that's super weird, even though they were all doing it ten years ago with DVD.

Especially since piracy and streaming started, and the economic troubles of '08, it seems like any cost for media is TOO HIGH. People are constantly baffled by the idea I pay to own or rent movies.

I assume brony porn viewers can still be functional members of society, at least.

Take heart, they are a laughed-at minority. Be more upset by the fact we don't have socialized medicine or flying cars yet.

I sat next to a 10 year old girl when I saw The Force Awakens, who was there with her dad. I was super thrilled she had a real hero to look up to on-screen, and whispered as much to my wife mid-movie. I think the last hour of the film was enjoyable because we were watching this girl's reactions as much as it was

Maybe I am a cynical bastard (okay not maybe), but I can't imagine any modern take on Trek doing what made the classic stuff so unique. It is that "dated" aspect that allows it to be what it is.

Funny part is we have like 1,000 hours of classic Trek to watch. I mean, what franchise really needs more than that? I read all these "bring back REAL Trek!" rants and wonder how these people are desperate for more (and I say that as a huge fan of the franchise).

If they thought they could raise a million dollars for their own ideas I am sure they would have gone that route. Corporate flogging of franchises because new ideas are hard also translates to the independent realm, it seems.

Indeed. They're even selling blu-rays of the prologue… I mean, uh, sending out free blu-rays with a "donation."

It was pretty shite, and committed the ultimate sin of being a remake of a much better movie. At least it got the "drones are bad" message right however, which is something the similar Chappie cannot claim.

There was no sexual connotation at all though, I think you kind of have to invent that yourself. Not yelling at you or anything, just saying. It was much more about invasion of privacy for the sake of stopping terrorism really.

Only real late sequel for Bond would be Goldeneye, which came after a long gap. I do think that should be on this list.

Dr. is right about the racist vibes being intentional. Also I think any "rape-y vibe" is manufactured. Mind-melds are a violation and have been portrayed that way, but not every violation is a rape allusion.