
I feel the same. Divisive movies are often the most interesting. Lots of media sites are huge Marvel fansites now though. It is what it is. Luckily there are still thousands of movies for me out there.

I've been doing a deep dive for years collecting seventies and eighties crime movies on Blu-ray. I can tell you right now 90% of them are not Chinatown.

While I like the movies it does baffle me people hold them up as great or amazing. They're all very… okay time wasters.

Well instead of being as rude as you tend to be I will just say agree to disagree. I watched her speeches, I saw her ads, I saw her and her team's endless interviews on CNN and MSNBC. I know what I took away from it and what a ton of Obama voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and my state of Pennsylvania did too.

*fingers crossed*

I believe what I saw with my own damn eyes. Also stump speech does not equal overall message. If you think I'm the only liberal pointing out that she didn't focus on the economy then I don't know what to tell you.

I saw swing state commercials and watch a pretty eclectic batch of news programs and that wasn't my experience. I saw long clips of her speeches too often to count, I saw more commercials for her campaign than anyone should of anything. It was 90% of about Trump being a jerk (which he is) and identity politics. That

Who said it was the fault of trans people?

Fair enough. Like I said, I do think it was insensitive. We just disagree on the core intent.

Please don't mistake critical analysis of election tactics with personal opinion. The message here is that you have to talk to, understand and help working class folks in "flyover" country if you want to win. You can do that and be progressive socially at the same time. We just didn't.

I completely disagree with your summary of their tactics and messaging.

You're not really giving me anything to debate on here. I obviously disagree. *shrug*

The point of the joke and his post is that while New York liberals focus on gender identity app options people in Michigan and Ohio are having trouble making enough money to feed their family. Hillary spoke a lot to the former and very little to the latter. This was a massive problem.

Hillary's vote totals were WAY down. People in the states that flipped voted for Obama but not here. It's not all about race, it's about a crappy candidate who did not speak to those people. She relied on identity politics and pointing out Trump is gross, but didn't motivate people.

They're racist in the sense that all they care about is what benefits their family, but that's been true forever. This romantic idea city liberals (like me!) have that people really care about this stuff is fantasy. They voted for Obama because they thought he would help their wallets and get out of war. They voted

The people who did, like Morning Joe (like him or not), were focusing on what working class whites were going through and saying. Most Dems wrote those people off to push their identity politics message, which blew up in their face in Wisconsin, Michigan, PA, etc.

Nominate a better candidate that motivates the base?

Does harm is subjective, but I don't know enough about his record to really debate it. As long as you don't think any conservative politician does harm then fair enough, I trust your judgment.

Honestly I like the fact he's still a Springsteen fan. We need to stop being so polarized and alienating anyone in a different political camp than we are. It's a shame Springsteen mocked him for it.

He's definitely authoritarian, which honestly scares me more than his outright misogyny and racist tendencies.