
I don't think the movie presented him as a great guy though. It was more that these older generations are a product of their time and environment, but that doesn't mean they're actually horrible people we should write off. They can learn and adjust when confronted with new people and new situations. Just because he's

I'm doing Netflix wrong because I started House of Cards, liked it a lot, then immediately stopped watching and waited for the Blu-ray.

Huh, I've never had a DVD die like that. Professionally pressed ones are supposed to last a lifetime. Weird. I feel a sudden need to test my B5 discs.

It's on these things called discs, which last I checked should be an option before bootleg torrents.

I agree so much it's killing me I can only upvote once. It's a seriously distressing tendency now on both sides.

I don't agree with affirmative action either but it is odd that she hasn't found any black writers naturally for such a large pool. In her defense though I have read comments from other showrunners who say they try to be inclusive but there's a lack of talent being pushed by agents, you have to spend a lot of time

I used to be as liberal as they came but it's gotten so divisive and outragey I really can't take it anymore. Not that I would go the other way or anything, but I just bow out

I know everyone on AV Club torrents everything but the review is timed with the Criterion Blu-ray release.

That's a long reply. Any politically motivated act of violence is terrorism in my opinion, I don't care about race or reason. I could complain about the media's handling of the issue all day long too, but that doesn't mean there aren't a lot of ISIS or Taliban inspires terrorist attacks happening the last handful of

Ancient comment but… radical Islamic terrorism is a real and consistent threat in today's world. A show depicting that is not racist or phobic. It's reality, as we were shown again a few days ago. It doesn't have to be subverted, and subverting it wouldn't be some great surprise anyway in today's Hollywood.

I feel like this too. I was born in 80, which depending on who you ask makes me Gen X, Gen Y or one of the first Millenials. So confusing.

That part of the article was code for "is rebuplican leaning and therefore terrible."

If they made a Black character White there would be Leftist blog riots. If they made a White character Black then all the usual weirdos would insist they're not racist but…

Well, time to move out of Beverly Hills I guess.

Tickets at my local theater are $10.50, and I'm near a major East coast city. I would guess you checked imax 3D or something?

I read something about it offering her the best chance to get the contract killed without a conviction but who knows how accurate that is.

If that's so then fair enough, I haven't read his previous stuff. The judge though?

I don't see the judge doing that. How is she blaming Kesha for being raped? Also it's still an alleged assault, nothing has been proven and probably can't be because Kesha denied it happened under oath.

Colloquially that makes sense, but in a legal arena "hate crime" has a specific meaning that rape doesn't automatically match. That's more what the judge was talking about.

There's no evidence either way and Kesha's testimony makes it a hard case to jump in on. I mean, she's probably telling the truth, but acting like believing the opposite is being a "rape apologist" is super dramatic IMO. This is a tough one.