
They're damn close, but I do agree Country takes it by a hair. I love both so much though, they pretty much started my love of sci-fi as a kid.

People have different tastes. Loved the movie, love Vaughn's work usually. It's definitely its own thing though.

They laid the groundwork for Mystique switching from the very start of the film. People wanting her to look normal, her self confidence crisis, Charles not really paying attention to her, etc. Not sure how that came out of nowhere for some, it wasn't some Anakin Skywalker level switch.

Transformers is the only movie I have ever walked out in the middle of. And I watched so much 90's schlock in the theater as a teen that's kind of amazing. The leering shots of Megan Fox, the stereotype rapping robot, the horrible acting from Lebuf (sp?) and everything else… walked out. Only time, EVER.

Pretty much agree The Rock is his only objectively great movie. The Island is okay though, assuming okay is… uh… okay with you.

So much of classic Who is hard to watch now but the Pertwee era is still consistently entertaining for me. It feels more like an adventure than later serials, which were mostly filmed as theater and without a lot of grand set-pieces. Pertwee had a hovercraft chase for god's sake! Wish Baker and the rest could say that.

Yeah. I would support DRM free downloads that look as good as Blu Ray in a heartbeat… but that will never exist.

Today's teens will be baffled by the concept of owning media in general.

People who want the higher quality sound. People who want to collect physical items. Not me, but I feel that way about movies (Blu Ray over iTunes and such).

Surprised in 133 comments no one has mentioned CDs are still much higher quality than streaming and MP3. Not that I personally care, but I know a lot of people who still buy CDs for that reason.

This sums up most progressives on the internet, sadly. You can't sell people on new ideas when you're constantly mad and aggressive.