John Frazer

Cast a child. Put him in an oversized suit.

A B is halfway to a C and we all know that a C is basically an F.

To be fair to Senator Reed, the Republicans were using the procedural filibuster so often on what were historically routine judicial confirmations that the judiciary under Obama was getting positively gutted. The expansion of executive power was pretty much necessary to keep the government functioning in the face of a

Oh god, Donald Trump is exactly the sort of guy who tells women to "smile more."

If we're being totally biologically accurate, humans are not genetically diverse enough to have subspecies or even, technically, races. All we really have is skin colors.

It's true. If someone is denying the Holocaust, then their Nazi sympathies are anything but secret.

Folks voted for Hillary, but the Volk voted for Donald.

Well, you've also got something like Stardew Valley, which has probably got the biggest sales-to-staff size ratio of any game ever made, and is about farming. It wasn't just "a good seller for an indie game," it was a good seller, period. Made the top 25 on Steam in 2016.

It can be two things!

I think if you're military personnel working in a facility called the "Death Star" that is purpose-designed to slaughter billions of civilians at a time, maybe "innocent" is stretching the truth a bit.

But isn't this a "chicken and the egg" scenario?

Oh man, I know it's completely beside the point and kind of a dick move, but I have to point out that the "heat death" of the universe is when it will be at its coldest.

I think it's more complicated than that. The prequel is the ultimate logical extension of the nerd ideal - "we loved these characters, but how did they get to where they were at the start of the show, huh?" It's just that if you take anything to its utmost extreme, you find the point where it must cease to be.

Well, Firefly does have the disadvantage of not having Enver Gjokaj on the cast. That man was Dollhouse's secret weapon.

Counterpoint - it had some great performances and intriguing ideas and was generally fun to watch when it focused on its recurring arcs over the case of the week.

Although in this particular case, Chidi could send Eleanor to the Bad Place by turning on her, so there is a huge power imbalance in the relationship independent of any student-teacher relation.

I think people are just not used to seeing negativity on the internet.

Wait, what? Non sequitur much?

Maybe Jesus only got about 5% of it right.