John Frazer

I couldn't say, because I was always working during the festival, but if the people who staggered into the hotel after it was over are any indication, it's a good excuse to get hammered.

I used to work at a hotel in Fruita and it was always booked solid during the Mike the Headless Chicken Festival. I always wondered how people even heard about it in the first place.

Oh, those are twinkies with bunny ears photoshopped into that picture. At first, I thought I was looking at a real picture of giant concrete carrot statues and I thought . . ."wow, that's really showing some dedication to the Playboy 'bunny' motif."

Really? I thought all European countries were interchangeable. It's not like I did a cursory google search and just posted the first example that popped up because I didn't want to devote too much time an effort to doing someone else's research.

St Maurice:

"Rushmore" is pre-2000, though, so it doesn't qualify.

"Or candy"

Well, to be fair, the Death Star could blow up a planet and a kid who was barely trained in the Force managed to blow up the Death Star, so maybe Vader was on to something.

That doesn't seem very comprehensive to me.

No, there's no correlation between Netflix and broadcast, but that doesn't matter, because that's not what we're interested in. The question is whether or not their method of gathering data is valid. Since it works by overhearing random snippets from television playing near your phone, presumably, if you were watching

They could compare the data they receive from broadcast and cable tv to the Nielsen ratings and if those two match up, it would probably mean that their Netflix data is accurate as well.

I think you're wrong about that legislator. I think he did have the knowledge, and that he knowingly chose to screw over his constituents for the sake of his wife's career.

Well, sure, if you're an Archmage.


Are you sure it wasn't supposed to be the Barbecue Thtoth after the Egyptian crane-headed god of wisdom, who reputedly roasted up pretty nice with a Kansas-City-style sauce?

I actually really like FF6's plot. It's just that particular segment with Terra that's frustrating. She was one of my MVPs in the world of light and then you find her, and unlike Sabin, who joins up right away, she refuses and the game presents it as a real, serious, final refusal. I think Edgar is the only other

Terra was one of those characters whose actions were perfectly realistic and justifiable, but who had the misfortune of being in a story that mostly didn't care about realism. It's like Shinji Ikari. When you think about what piloting an evangelion must actually be like, it is monstrous to expect a 14-year-old to get

Well, you'll always have "throwing pointless tantrums on the internet demonizing a nebulously defined subaltern group for some inarticulable harm done to a fragile definition of self that requires firm and socially enforced lines between yourself and that group in order to mask its fundamental arbitrariness."

Let me try and explain this another way.

So your theory about the large disparity in representation in STEM fields is that it's all just coincidence? Despite the fact that in the past there most definitely was a conscious, public, and deliberate effort to exclude women.