John Frazer

Only if we can get an infertility scare. You can't have a baby on TV just by fucking. It would be pandemonium.

I hear those Match Game people were drunk . . . on power.

The one I hate is "studies show." I've been guilty of that a time or two in casual conversation myself, and I always feel like a jackass for saying it, because I actually have some small amount of scientific training, so I know what bullshit that is.

Far be it from me to defend Fox News, but they didn't invent that phrase. It's basically the oldest rhetorical trick in the book. That's why it's so shocking to see it juxtaposed with "bottom rung of American journalism," because I'm absolutely positive it's the sort of thing that gets hammered into you as a

Catching 70% of a villain seems like it would be more effective than bringing them in in one piece.