
your posts are completely subjective and don't offer any new ideas or observations about either show. this isn't an article about you and what you like, it's an article about lost

i haven't seen the movie, but i think you're right about it needing to be one of the five biggest directing accomplishments. i think what i took away more from this article was how the oscars don't reflect the subjectivity of film or the different meanings and degrees of "success" in cinema. the oscars are kind of

it's not that your opinion conflicts with others. it's more that you said it in a way that prevents any discussion

nope. it's pretty slight. like the MOVIE!! ohhh snap

i know this comment is two years old. but man, when did this poster claim to be special? if the movie works for itself and for this commenter, then it can be considered successful to a degree. your criticism of the film comes from a personal problem

i know this is ignorant but does anyone know where i can get spoiler alerts for this? i really want to know the big secret but don't think i'll ever want to watch this movie. i hate doing that, but seriously i hate wasting my time without knowing if it will suck. some things are better when they're abbreviated. i do

sometimes when i go through old a.v. club articles, i see cookie monsters posts. they're awesome. he's a muppet with real perspective

sometimes when i go through old a.v. club articles, i see cookie monsters posts. they're awesome. he's a muppet with real perspective

it's totally okay if you don't find it funny

it's totally okay if you don't find it funny

no batman the animated series? not even as a runner up?

subjectivity is as important as objectivity. i love john stewart's show but i don't want all my news to have someone's voice in it.
there's always website with their own viewpoint, that put the news through their own emotional lens, and i like those, but being impartial is just as important. i would hate it if every

the only thing worse than people like kanye west are the fans who
defend him because he's successful or because he's such an artist.

the "great job, internet!" bugs me too! sometimes it sounds like it was wrtitten as an afterthought or while distracted by a tv show. but i don't think the fact that "there's worse" writing is a good enough argument for me to exempt this article from criticism.
this column has stronger writing and but i don't think

i could never get interested in mario paint for the SNES, but i still have this song and use it in a playlist of "study music."
i was a really adhd kid and this song made me focus for some reason

yeah, dude, you're fine. i agree, that's around the window when a lot of people felt the show started to show it's age. i didn't read any disrespect from this at all
don't even worry about it

yeah, there are pointless comments, and unnecessary sarcasm.
on the other hand, there's thoughtfulness and real discussion of films. i guess you pick what you like.

another classic!!

psshh. i had a lot of emotions…

oh man! i was just thinking about those! those were awesome.