
i wish all commenters responded like this. i'm not being ironic at all. this is awesome
hopefully things are better in the future now, man from the future

watership down. lord of the rings.

some of what you listed will fly over kids heads, but i think a lot of that has existed in classic children's literature.
a lot of fairy tales and folklore intended for children had the same
elements. they were still intended to be for children. most of hans
christian anderson's fables had supernatural and fantasy

you win the internet

one thing i hate about this topic is how i feel like i can't say anything without getting yelled at. being casually honest like cappadocious is awesome. i wish people who disagreed with him were as conversational.
or we could all just talk about how bad dumb and dumber to is

dude this is the internet. this is an article about a sequel to a silly comedy. you gotta simmer down

you're projecting your personal political opinions onto a show about zombies. it's another scary setting in a great tv show about a zombie apocalypse.
you could find a way to make terminus into an allegory of some current event or political issue, but the show depicts it as an old railway station where people ate each

i don't think being an artist should have anything to do with how you treat people. i don't see any reason why one artist should interrupt an award ceremony onstage for their "persona." unless taylor swift and beyonce somehow volunteered to participate in some weird performance art to create a controversial

we are told what to judge because we're getting information about kanye through a celebrity filter. but you are getting your information in the same way. knowing several people who know kanye west doesn't mean you know him more. you are being told what to judge with as well, through your friends rather than

you can sometimes be abrasive, snidely, but all your comments in this thread are observant and well-put. hmmph

i know! i hated that. i bought the sets for chrono trigger and FF3 as backups, and the lag was so bad i couldn't make it very far through either. i remember being so frustrated, because they were 16-bit games from the early nineties, and should be the easiest thing to run.
i got an emulator, which is great, but haven't

i see what you did there

oh yeah? well my dead can beat up your dad!

i AM the majority, sucka

most people aren't going to sit through objectively bad movies. who cares what you do?

it might also boil down to how much you can accept a plot and villains that are very simplified or reminiscent of implausible young adult fiction.
i love pop culture references, and i love movies with lots of crossovers, references or in-jokes (who framed roger rabbit, the avengers, ect). i'm the right age to be the

i don't think you put to much thought into your answer. personally, i usually have to read posts, then think about them, to know if i care about them. rejecting everything you might not like, sounds like the hardest thing in the world. you're basically bragging about limiting how much you read.
pop culture is