Semi-interesting fact finder.

The increasing luminosity of the sun will do that in about 600 million years.

Fun fact; Lysol was sold for that very purpose until 1967. Despite the chemical burns.

Probably for the best; few people can pull off the "if Justin Bieber's child star hair was made into a coon skin cap" hairdo.

Sounds like catty self promotion, "hey what's the big deal about a woman in an action movies? Come look at this period drama I'm in!"

I'd have come and stayed for thrilling car driving baddassery alone, but a soundtrack of that magnitude is some icing on some cake.

Effect. Affect is an action taken, effect is the results of an action.

Ilana and I'm thinking Schumer.

Why, did the movie Wedding Crashers re-define what being a wedding guest means, in the way that Animal House defined for subsequent generations what college is supposed to be like?

Only if he has a brother who is also an equally, if not more famous, actor would it be similar to John Wilkes Booth.

Squirrel isn't bad, it's just that they're so small. Like wings. You have to eat like 4 squirrels to get full. I can't remember what it tasted like though. Rabbit is good; in Germany they rear huge rabbits for fur and meat. In the wild though, avoid eating a rabbit until after the first hard frost of winter,

Yes! I can't stand the way that dog's voiced. And another thing, is this a world where all dogs talk? Or is it just this whiny, almost nebbish pup?

I did watch, man that show sucks. Hard.

In 1997 I had just graduated high school. Through a series of events I shan't get into, that summer of '97 I was friends with these people who had a lot of LSD. Enough in fact that we ran around all summer, selling tabs like a psycedelic ice cream truck. When Con Air came out, my friends and I saw it opening night;

I already wear glasses, I can't imagine 3-D specs fitting over those.

Just the other day I was wondering when Feist was coming out with a new record. I heard Pleasure on CPR going to work yesterday and I'm legitimately pumped.

He does. In fact, he's often assisted sheriff departments in searches for lost hikers and mountain climbers.

I thought you typed "Search Party Divorce", and I want to see that show.

Especially because Gus is kind of a petulant asshole. He strikes me as the kind of guy not to be in a rom-com: the bitchy, condescending jerk guy. That could be the point of the show, but it doesn't make me like the guy any more.

What I don't get about Alex Jones is; do people listen to him because he says such bizarre shit and it's just so unbelievable, or do people actually believe in transsexual vampires from other dimensions?

I'm pleased as punch that there is a character named Syd Barrett.