Semi-interesting fact finder.

I have an old friend who has Parkinson's and smokes like a chimney. I never thought to ask him if it helped.

It's all a straw-man to keep people fighting each other instead of banding together and fighting the actual enemy: the multi-billionaire cabal that owns the government. As long as people believe the world boils down to liberal vs. conservative, or black vs. white, or male vs. female or any other simple trendy duality

I still make that Carbonara he whipped up on his unemployment youtube channel. Damned tasty, my friends's kids like it too.

I just don't think the AV club are gearheads.

Lacrosse being Algonquin for "bloodsport" is one of the funniest lines in Archer.

Well, they have to be in arm's reach to punch them so having them near helps.

Jesus, Orangenfuhrer is going to waste a lot of time spanking any and everybody who talks shit about him? It's gonna be a futile expenditure of resources.

Holly Golightly was a con man and kind of a prostitute. It's more obvious in the story than the movie.

If I remember correctly, Ayn Rand herself adapted the book to screen.

What's a porno theater not for perverts like?

I don't know: Testament to Youth in Verse is pretty legit. Bleeding Heart Show brings me to nearly tears every time.

I like Skeletal Lamping, it has a Midnite Vultures vibe in a way. They released a live album that is fantastic as well. On the other hand, you could go for Lousy With Sylvanbriar or Aurelate Gloom for a more straight "rock" sound.

One night in Bangkok leaves a hard man humble TUSK!

I get stuck with country at work. Fortunately it's all just a background noise at this point. Sometimes it's not bad, but all times it ain't country.

It looked more like cheese, ketsup and a leaf of iceberg lettuce. The thing about a Big Kahuna is that it wouldn't have only a Hawaiian burger. If it is a diner, it would have diner fare; sandwiches, pie by the slice, a constant samovar of black coffee a boiling. If it is a chain of joints, like In-N-Out, it would

I've got to say, I'd watch a stand alone Darth Vader movie.

"Fifty Shades Darker"? Is there going to be black-face in this movie?

You don't get more people to become Christian if you abobo them.

Oh, like the "war on Christmas" I used to hear about when I had a Facebook? They make it sound as though hundreds of millions of people want to burn down Santa's house and kick the baby Jesus.

Shall we all call you "Loretta" then?