Semi-interesting fact finder.

And getting naked on camera.

She just wants to wear paint as clothes and hang out with Chris Pratt.

I've always felt that the concept falls apart by the second record, but it's still one of my all time faves. Colony of Slippermen is legit.

All the times I've gone to a movie premiere I've never experienced a bad audience like people describe. It could be that Midwestern film goers are not so boisterous as their urbane counterparts.

I'd bet some branch of the government told them to bury the show, so as to not incite people. Nonetheless, I firmly believe there will be civil war in America within the 21st century.

Because I've been anti pop country for a long long time. To be fair that's as much a problem with how radio plays the same 10 songs on a loop. It's bad enough to hear Florida Georgia line once, let alone 10 times in an 8 hour work day.

I think that in a top 40 sense country music is today what rock music has traditionally been: a guitar driven soundtrack for young people to drink beers and do each other. For whatever reason the average person doesn't seek out the fine musics that exist outside the radio; they just accept whatever comes out of the

I'm kind of ashamed to admit this…….but I like Maren Morris. Having said that, I can't imagine how her music is " country" any more than if Katy Perry had a bit of fiddle in one of her songs.

It's like if a robot listened to a lot of Syd Barrett growing up.

Not strictly true; I voted for various local politicians. The argument could be raised that a vote for Hilary was "wasted" since she didn't win, for some insane reason.

Breaking Bad is a show I just can't rewatch. In fact pretty much any drama, no matter how great it was, I just never feel compelled to see again. Comedy I'll watch repeatedly though.

We who? I voted for Gary Johnson.

Yes, jobs manufacturing the lie that Wal Mart gives a damn about the plight of the working person in America today.

You know, not a single communist was actually uncovered by McCarthy and the HUAC.

Never trust a big butt and a smile, my friend.

The organ in The Island is really awesome. I'm not the biggest Crane Wife fan, but I'll likely buy the hell out of this.

Well why don't they just keep on walking right out the door, out of town and right the hell out of the country? Really, we ought to give those people some land somewhere so they can build their own country.. Far away from me, I mean.

How awesome is Robyn Anderson's voice? Their cover of We Can't Stop is an oft listened to song here at the fact-finding labs.

I think this is going to be Edgar's season, and the show's going to deal with PTSD as much and as well as it dealt with clinical depression last season.

My favorite joke has to be that the church was called "Iglesia Mas o Menos", which means "church more or less".