Semi-interesting fact finder.

Toppings are the bitch. One nice thing about rural living is that I almost always know somebody growing lettuce, everybody and their uncle grows tomatoes, some other person made pickles and onions are cheap anyways. I've got a variety of peppers growing now: shinshitos, jumbo jalapenos, red, purple and green bells.

The Irishman's feast: a potato, sliced thin, served with a pint glass of cheap, room temperature whiskey.

Hell you can buy a couple of pounds of ground beef and pull off great burgers for less than McDonalds runs you. Healthier too.

I think most, if not all, of these shootings are CIA backed.

I'm thinking more property damage. Clearly our nation is no longer willing to listen to reason, thus it somehow needs a civil war. Not really a civil war of blood and guns, but a war of ideas and actions. A war that will change the face of it to something better.

On one hand, I really abhor violence. On the other hand, this may just be the chance we need to take those right wing nutjobs out. If it doesn't happen this election, by next election we'll have massive and outright violence in this country. It's unavoidable by now. Prepare you torches and pitchforks, the

I LOVE LA!!!!! But I don't love rape!! Or short people…

After only five years! Realistically speaking, lower Manhattan would still be in the process of reconstruction. It would be like in 2006 people blaming 9/11 on the firefighters and police.

The We Hate Movies episode on Ghostbusters II is one of my favorites.

Henry Thoreau has a rock with "Henry" carved into it as a tombstone. That's class if I ever saw it.

Yea, but imagine it done by the right director, actors, etc. You'd have to get a director who isn't necessarily known for action films.

Wasn't Orwell against the blitzkreig?

Oversized glasses that are 99% likely not prescription.

A couple of ice cubes, on the other hand, is rather nice.

What I never understand about conspiracy theorists is that they believe the government is perpetuating a massive, society wide scam, yet these same conspiracy theorists are the first people to call the same government incompetent when it does something they don't like.

Kurt and company were defiantly influenced by new wave, I'd posit more than punk or hard rock. Incesticide is one of my favorite albums, though it had at the time a sort of Pinkerton effect happen to it wherein it was a more "experimental" album released after a massively successful record causing it to be

I suppose a bit, but really though what good does racism, homophobia, rampant sexism, etc do for the world? Those lines of though lead to violence and poor decisions.

Los Lobos kick your ass, Los Lobos kick your face, Los Lobos kick your balls into outer space!

It took 30 years for the statue of liberty to get the patina we see today.

Coffee was extinct on the other side.