Semi-interesting fact finder.

That's not silly at all, I was in high school and I felt much the same way. Still do, now that I think about it.

Incesticide. He also had a nice story about buying antique dolls from a shop run by a member of the Raincoats.

Now if we could only kick those people out of the world somehow.

Kid Rock figured out where the money was: pop country. He is therefore a whipping boy across two genres of music.

Trashy white people are trashy? Who knew?

My favorite Jim Ignatowski moment is when he gets the race horse and keeps it in his apartment, renaming it "Gary" because whatever it was named before was the horse's slave name.


To be fair, is it really cannibalism if you are eating a different species of humanoid?

That's what worries me: it's not Trump, it's than he seems to take no responsibility over his supporters. Whether he loses (or God forbid wins) he and his fan club will NOT do so with anything resembling grace. Honestly if he does lose, I could see his supporters going apeshit and shooting up the place, like a big

Nixon won in a landslide in 1968, though he only had 43.4% of the popular vote.

Oh god I miss ZMF! He understood ownage in a way that few people ever do.

I always liked Leonardo Leonardo. The Clerks Animated Series is pretty funny.

So you can blame rape on a drunk woman and still potentially be the president, but you can't drum at a festival? Should be the other way round.

Sometimes it gets cold and boring. In such times some people go to a movie, take up gardening, go on a hike across Europe, or do a lot of unsheathed screwing. Hence people have kids. Oh, sometimes people are in love and want kids.

The telephone episode was the shit. And the carbonara he made in that one video is damned tasty.

He can also be a brilliant documentary presenter, as seen in the BBC series Inventions that changed the world, or a documentary he did about the arctic convoy of WWII; all available on youtube. To be a blowhard and buffoon with any measure of success requires a good level of intelligence.

The far future is existentially terrifying. Multi-cellular life won't be possible on Earth in about 600 million years due to the stopping of the carbon-silicate cycle.

Up there with "Ferris was Cameron's imaginary friend". Or was it the other way?

I'd rather see Hiddleston as Bond. I really think he could be pretty awesome at it.

Yet major label artists sample shit all the time, with no repercussions whatsoever. There is some pop song of recent vintage that sampled Song 2. Played all over the radio and everything; yet I've not heard a single word about Blur suing them. Chevelle stole the entire riff of Take Me Out for some really shitty Nu