Semi-interesting fact finder.

It's pretty much Republican, though we aren't taking any guff from Trump either. Our state attorney general said no to the turning over of voting info the DOJ asked for.

As she should. The director of one of the highest grossing films of the year absolutely deserves to be well paid.

Do they even make lead pipes anymore? That seems like it would be really illegal. Don't get me wrong, I'm thoroughly and utterly cynical enough to believe Nazi plumbers would find a way to get extra super lead pipes; I just think they'd be too lazy to do so.

Overcharge for non leaded pipes. Rack up a lot of overtime installing them. It's easy as cake to make a killing providing clean drinking water for whomever.

Like Linda Carter, in Earth-38, is an actress who played Wonder Woman and then became president?

I think the whole of the west coast would band together, possibly with Nevada in the mix.

I'd love to go to a drive-in movie. Those were fun. They used to have one in my hometown.


You know, this makes me want to pay to watch Curb even harder than I originally would have. Like I'm really going to punch in my credit card info with extra typing force, or invent some kind of robotic typing hands.

Why in the names of the gods do people think it's a good idea to stick their dicks into things/foods?

In 1997 I graduated high school. Blur Blur blew me away; I bought the CD on the merits of "Song2", but grew to love the rest of it far more. Especially the end of Essex Dogs going into Dancehall, which years later I discovered was not universal on later versions of the CD. I loved OK Computer, all my other friends

That's a drag. Actors have got to be in one of the hardest professions as far as keeping a marriage together.

And then some group gets bothered by that, so they make all male knockoffs of female led knockoff films: Spiderwomanman, Iron Lady guy, She-hulk dude.

You guys have a 900 million dollar projected budget shortfall too? That's a quiet problem they don't talk about up here in Nebraska, our state's broke and nobody cares.

Oh man this makes me think of….Remember that Patton Oswalt bit where he talked about Robert Evans's autobiography, and how Evans himself did the audiobook? There was this part of that bit where Tom Wopat was out on a cigarette boat getting fisted by some guy.

I'll have to get a stick of Beeman's in his honor. Fun fact about the movie the Right Stuff, Anne Glenn was portrayed by Emily and Zooey Deschanel's mom.

At the time nu metal was popular, I was living in Boulder and getting into EDM. Thus I missed the bus entirely. When I moved back to Nebraska, lo and behold everybody was into nu metal and I couldn't relate. I was more a lofi, White Stripes kind of guy.

To be fair you wouldn't want to put a series of podiums that close together. Their proximity to each other makes me believe that this was staged.

This is merely step 1 in the round-up of "enemies of the state". The holocaust started with a "census".

C2, or is it c3, photosynthesis won't be possible then; thus calling the curtain on multi-cellular life. That's close enough to that thing you said.