Semi-interesting fact finder.

All while looking like a middle aged lesbian. Not bad Benny boy, not bad at all.

Who were those twins in the GI Joe cartoon whose names were each others names, but reversed? Tomax and Xamot I think.

Meanwhile poor people continue to spent $15 on Jaegermeister, fuck with their actual genitals.

Don't feel too bad, a kid told me I looked like Charlie Sheen. Eighties Sheen is alright, but modern Sheen's a bit long in the tooth.

I dunno, I kind of like a zaftig Sailor Moon.

I for one would be completely OK with a film having Helen Mirren's nipples erect for no fucking reason.

My ass they bury "conservative" news stories; that was like 99.999% of the dumb shit people put up when I was on the 'book.

Gen X is roughly 1977-whenever the earliest cutoff of millennial birthdays.

If I was of an underpaid generation, I wouldn't want to own much either. People do give millennials shit over living at home longer; but home ownership is more and more expensive and it just plain prices younger folks out of it. On the other hand, they won't have the albatross around their necks if they have to move

Interestingly enough the founder of Mother's Day, Anna Jarvis, grew to hate the commercialization of the holiday she created, and spent much of her money suing people and companies that used the term "Mother's Day" as a marketing tool. Also she herself never had kids.

My help? It would be more like an off broadway production of the Full Monty if I were in it.

Now I want to listen to the WHM episode on The Dead Pool: Dirty Harry Calahan cursing out a waitress about the state of the salad bar at his fave restaurant is worth it alone.

I saw something on a documentary once, did 924 Gilman really ban groups who signed to major labels?

It's different for everybody. I was around 35 or so when I finally stopped being obsessed with being the coolest motherfucker in the room. I mean, what's so cool about cynicism? I'd rather invest my energies liking things than tearing things down.

I think it would be cool if they just picked one of us. I hate a lot of songs enough to talk/type for a few minutes about it.

I've often theorized that obesity is caused by a type of food allergy to preservatives and additives. Some people are more sensitive to HFCS and other things put into foods today, this causes them to swell up and get fatter.

So if she were a man, would she have made $5 million? Or is Julia Roberts immune to the Hollywood gender wage gap?

I mean, yea it's good, but I really prefer to watch old movies at home with a joint and some microwaved popcorn. Unless it's a situation where it's a community run theater, like my hometown has. Saw the original Superman there, good times were had.

Aha! Road maps!

A movie where two young, spry, co-eds meet up at Cinco de Mayo, eventually get married and all kinds of wacky hyjinks ensue.