Semi-interesting fact finder.

But is it a "I swear to god, I'm going to crash this fucking plane into the ground as soon as I find my box knife and get access to the cockpit, this movie sucks so hard" film?

Nah, I'm from here and Roseanne is positively tame as compared to many families. If Roseanne and Dan were both 17 and dropped out of high school to work in the local factory cause he knocked her up it would be closer to real life. Or Dan has to get a job, but he just can't quit smoking doobies to pass a piss test it

Or Last Man Standing, or whatever CMT has going on. I think a lot of it is that the middle class is sort of the butt of some kind of joke, as opposed to there being any type of nobility in the lifestyle being portrayed. Roseanne was a show about good midwestern stock getting by as best they could; but there was a

It might go the other way for you: I know many people who don't get "the munchies", myself included.

I think they were all taco flavored until the advent of Cool Ranch in the 1990's.

His brother, on the other hand, continues to cook Mexican food on PBS.

Apparently the largest fan base of gay YA romance novels is middle aged women.

I think WHM is more consistently funny, whereas HDTGM falls on its face depending on the guests and/or June's presence.

The Canon is pretty good, as is I Was There Too. Both of those are on Earwolf.

De Stijl is one of those albums that is very good all the way through; like This Is It, or Appetite for Destruction.

Why even bother having different men's and women's sizes? They're athletic shoes, not 8" stilettos.

I liked the part in Houseguest where they spoke about fat comedians, because I feel the same way.

In the fridge is a jar of pickles, but no pickle juice.

I watched Tuff Turf based on the show: it is just as they described it, and so much more. I think it's on youtube if you care to give it a perusal.

I'd describe decades of lynchings, biased laws and the disproportionate representation of African-Americans in the prison system as an ongoing race war.


Yea, but the street always wins.

Are they ever going to send out some kind of cool orbiting probe around Neptune?

Meanwhile Sting is having like 27 hours of sex on a mattress in a mansion he bought with the proceeds of this tune.

I really like Abraxas, Tuff Turf (which you should watch if you've never had the pleasure) and the Clint Eastwood movies they did.