Semi-interesting fact finder.

"I'm here to fix the telly, now let's bugger each other" is the best!

I had no idea that

I feel as though it's analogous to the early 70's singer songwriter phase; Eddie Sharpe is the millennial's James Taylor.

I think anybody who says "Stella" should do it like Elane in that episode of Seinfeld

As with most movies, I'll happily watch it at home with a joint. Made Clerks good, should work for this.

Apartheid has a longer history than transphobia: give it 50 years and transphobia will have killed and oppressed as many.

Why does it even matter? Today there are many ways to get your movie out with no MPAA rating. Just go around them and make the movie you want.

North Carolina is going to become america's Sun City.

One of my social/cultural theories is that the '50s nostalgia of the early-mid 1970's was based in a wish to forget all the turmoil of the '60s.

I've seen about half of it: it's a great movie to look at, like if you are really high but it's so ham fisted and obvious like a YA novel made into a big ass SFX flick.

Will there be even more giant mech suits which are inexplicably armed with big Rambo knives?

So does Bono just get to walk into the senate whenever he wants?

Made in America's heartland: Mexico

I get it in the mail simply because I didn't believe it was a real thing. So I ordered it.

Never say that on twitter: 95% of her feed is bitching dudes out for saying she's hot.

Has anybody in real life bought a bar with a friend like the trope suggests all guys in their 30's do?

I never watch it when it's on 12 times a day on three different networks, and I really loved that show, mostly, for about the first 5 seasons. The finale ruined it that much for me.

Nine times out of ten: the only exception I can think of is the pilot of Cheers which was good right out of the gate.

The marketing synergy hall of fame, Jesus Henry Christ KISS has a lot of merch.

I got in too late for an answer to my question: can you really buy weed from a moving taxi in NYC?