Semi-interesting fact finder.

The thing about being a fan of music in the midwest is that a lot of great bands skip it altogether, so when a group does play KC or Omaha or someplace like that it really means a lot. One of the reasons country is so big is that a huge country artist will still play like state fairs and venues close to their fans.

A tranquil feeling of harmony with nature. In Roosevelt National Forest northwest of Boulder people might find the prick who stole my camping stove from my tent while I was in town buying supplies.

They had a great interview where Alex Haley sat with George Lincoln Rockwell, the head of the American Nazi party. I think another issue had a black author interview the head of the KKK.

Omaha is to Nebraska as Austin is to Texas: it's a liberal oasis in a vast desert of conservatism.

J. Dennis Hastert is already on it.

Fuck that, I'm from here. Though to be fair, that makes me agree with you more.

I'd shit on them.

It looks like it did in the 60's.

I'm not saying kill them, just let them live with their own kind in peace. Ideologically we are increasingly two separate Americas anyhow why not just make it official.

As I say all the time, why can't we give all those right wing nutjobs someplace like Wyoming. Then we build a 40 foot tall fence around it and let them live whatever the hell they believe normal life is. Meanwhile the rest of us can live our lives in a fine, unbigoted, intelligent manner.

How the hell would they enforce it? People don't generally carry around their birth certificate to prove their gender, or for that matter any reason at all. It's like the title to your car: you keep that shit safe at home, not in the glovebox.

Did you get a funnel cake?

The great military leadership of Charles XII during the Great Northern War (1700-1721).

Alphonse Bertillon was called as a "handwriting expert" in Dreyfus's trial. His testimony was somehow accepted by the jury who would sentence Dreyfus to life in Devil's island.

First and last.

I'm 99% sure I'm going to see this movie, baked off my ass in somebody's living room when it comes out on DVD or I pirate the shit out of it.

Then you get Carlos II, king of Spain whose Hapsburg jawline was so inbred in he couldn't close his mouth!

Every time I wear cut-offs I want to wash a Trans-Am while listening to Whitesnake.

I don't think that a woman can/should be described as "plus sized" unless she has a body like a loose sack of potatoes. Growing up in the midwest I'd describe Amy Schumer as "thin".

Wait, what!?!? For a variety of reasons, I cannot object to a Clarke/Lexa pairing.