Semi-interesting fact finder.

Giganto Sabado is right!

"Pornography is erotic right up until the moment when the camera zooms in a little too closely, and suddenly it goes from alluring to appalling. "

Right back at you!

Oh yes: it also has RDJ drumming shirtless, Jim Carroll singing two full songs while on all the heroin in the world. Best of all though: Jack Mack and the Heart Attack.

Tuff Turf is wild and I highly recommend watching it. The episode of We Hate Movies on it is fucking hilarious.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is really funny, but I must say this: Rachael Bloom's boobs do not ever seem to stop moving. She can sit at a desk doing nothing and there's all kinds of jugs-a-popping. I'm not complaining at all, just an observation.

It doesn't matter if the government tries not to fuel conservative outrage: we'll have a civil war in America within 100 years. There's just too much and too many divisions between differing viewpoints. Remember the civil war didn't just happen: it was the result of 50 or 60 years of increasingly fractious political

I 100% believe the powerball is entirely a fiction and there is no actual winner. The media just makes up a winner after an arbitrary period of time, meanwhile the lottery dupes millions of people out of money. Bur to what end? Where does the money go? Somebody is getting rich as shit off the powerball, and it is

I'd hope regular: two tallboys is just preposterous.


An animated comedy about the family of the weed dealer from Half Baked.

Yea he puts on a blonde wig, calls himself "Chelsea", hosts an unfunny talk show.

I have to confess: when I first read "Auschwitz Academy", I thought of an 80's screwball camp comedy ala Meatballs about an underdog concentration camp battling the snooty rich concentration camp across the river.

Shut the fuck up!! I have that Fun Rock record set: 4 records, the sleeve is pastel pink with a cartoon drawing of a young vaguely "50's" looking couple in hipster glasses. The 4 records are just crammed into one cheap sleeve. Classic. I think I'm going to listen to Palisades Park right now (record three, side A)

Zoot Suit Riot: the catchiest song named after a terrible event in Los Angeles history.

So how often do you then have to explain to people what a minstrel show is?

Dear Mr Lorre,

I've heard that Huey Lewis has a huge penis. Like there is some bar in Lake of the Ozarks that has a drink called "The Huey Lewis Special" and it's two cans of PBR: apparently his dick is that big.

He's no Craig Ferguson that's for sure.

Probably: I've always taken Young Americans as a sort of cautionary tale about the dangers of the ghetto. People having kids too young, forced into welfare by circumstance and the domestic violence than is an unfortunate side effect of poverty and hopelessness.