Semi-interesting fact finder.

Since it pissed on the rug.

I'm absolutely convinced that "Right" is about anal sex.

I humbly submit "Selling England By The Pound" ,a fine Genesis tune.

Oh man! They have Fireplace for your Home: Birch-wood edition! Finally.

Theo Jones

I've read many many old Playboys and I can wholeheartedly assure you they were not progressive. They did have cool articles though: most of the short stories that comprised A Christmas Story were published there, one of my favorite Roald Dahl short stories entitled The Stranger was in an issue.

Ok I'm in: Sam Worthington, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean. Who is the truckdriver, who is the gladiator, and who is the mule?

My wife likes to talk to me for hours after sex. The long distance charges are killing me.

That show is fucking awesome!

A lot. Too much to spend a half of a day writing about it.

Feldman had final edit, and he still comes off looking like a sad douche in that article. He lives like a 40 year old teenager. Posters without frames? Jesus.

Well according to Camus, a person can live with dualism, but not with paradox. An existential crisis is a part of existence, but so is faith. Thus you are not embroiled in a paradox, so you are safe there.

Oh, you mean a jizz-moper.

High asking prices are generally the sign of an unmotivated seller.

It doesn't look very good though: it reminds me of an average 50 year old house in a small midwest town.

How is a novella by existential French author Albert Camus going to help?

How big is it anyways? It may have been a mansion in its day but houses have steadily gotten larger over the years. You could pay $200 million for what is essentially an average sized house.

Lewis Hamilton
Peter Gabriel dressed as a flower whilst performing the Willow Farm section of the immortal and criminally underrated prog rock masterpiece Supper's Ready
Hitler. Not the Hitler, just a guy named Hitler
Roger the Shrubber

They are connected by auto-correct. I of course meant Kristallnacht.

The patron saint of the misfit, the artist, the poet. You know, the best kinds of people.