Semi-interesting fact finder.

It's like all those people who yell about the existence of a "war on Christmas", yet everywhere you go there is no such thing in real life. In other words, it only exists on the internet. Leave your house once in a while red pillers!

What's the hell up with that guy's eyes?

Aw man, your Random Roles link doesn't work.

There was a lot of confusion about the loading of lifeboats. At the time there wasn't really anything like a "lifeboat drill" to train the crew and passengers on the best procedure for abandoning ship. Some members of the crew thought that if the boats were fully loaded they would break the mechanisms that lowered

He was the guy who put women and children only on the lifeboats. Noble to be sure, but most of the boats launched half full or less because of that. Lightoller barely escaped: he actually went down with the ship because he was sucked against a grate. Luckily one of the boilers of the ship exploded and the resulting

One of the Brits who sailed his private craft over to rescue the soldiers at Dunkirk was Charles Lighttoller, who was second mate of the Titanic.

I wonder how many of them left disappointedly when they realized that despite its "legality", most employers will still absolutely fire you if you fail a drug test for weed.

I read about that: 101,000 people moved out there last year, making Colorado the 5th fastest growing state.

I stayed in Denver for a couple of days for a job interview. While I was there I finally saw Boyhood. Great movie, I can't recommend it enough. I also saw that Brando documentary on Showtime, the one where they use audio tape he recorded to narrate his life story. That was also pretty cool.

So you could have a $7 bowl of chili. I wonder if the Dead Boys piss in it, as Please Kill Me suggested.

12345? That's amazing, I have the same combination on my luggage!

This is really because Rush is retiring, thus killing the spirit of the rdio, isn't it?

Was that voice-over Burgess Meredith's last film role?

I want to watch almost all of the movies in that documentary. I did check out The Apple: holy shit. Imagine if Phantom of the Paradise was made featuring the Solid Gold dancers; but with more cocaine involved.

I find it interesting that two of these nominees are women with differing portrayals of depression. I also find it refreshing that the subject is being brought up in such extremely well done ways. Aya Cash's performance this season warrants a couple of Emmys, or at least nominations. On the other hand "sexy French

He would have the worst helmet hair in the galaxy with that coif of his.

Are there any instances of an unfriendly threesome?

Maybe "the resistance" is like a shadow, CIA style coup starting group that does all the government overthrowing that the Republic can't be "officially" engaged in.

I only know of Adam Driver from those Baumbach movies (Frances Ha and While You Were Young), so I just picture him as a Brooklyn hipster. He wasn't bad, I just think I'm guilty of letting his previous roles influence how I feel about him as a compelling antagonist.

I'd have to take some weed brownies with me to sit in a theater for that long.