Semi-interesting fact finder.

I thought it stood for "we all suck pussy", like they are huge cunnilingus enthusiasts.

Whenever people say to me "oh music sucks today, it's all pop bullshit, yadayada etc" I remember songs like this, I remember every disco-adjacent song of the mid to late 1970's, I remember Sugar Sugar by the Archies; and I realize that no, pop music has always had a shitty pandering component to it.

Lucky bastard: all I have here in the midwest are every single goddamned bar from North Platte to Lincoln playing the same list of whatever the top 20 in contemporary country is, with a smattering if Taylor Swift thrown in. Not pop T-Swizzle, no; her earlier country hits. This is everywhere and if you god forbid

All in all I liked it. It had good points, a well made story, no CGI comic relief character shoved down my senses. People acted and they said funny things.

You'd think that in a world where the technology of huge force fields exists, said fields could be opened up in spots to let ships in and out as opposed to shutting the whole thing off. Like they just have to open the shield up in front of the hangar doors, leaving the rest of the shield on.

Woo hoo! Omaha represent! Seriously, not a lot of Nebraska natives go on to do much of anything. Note that this guy made something of himself after he left this state.

Well that was concise. Unless you forgot to put in like half the article.

That's a black market thing. At any rate a vibrator is absolutely perfect to make into a lightsaber esque thing. Assuming it hasn't already been done.

And here I though you were just glad to see us!

As ponderous as this show can be, I'm glad it's renewed. Fringe had a dull (by comparison) first season and look how that turned out.

I caught the later show. Ten at night on a Thursday is pretty late, even for younger people. It was just the right amount of full: 75% or so.

Whenever I hear about jerkoffs like this, I get so mad at a world where some other asshole will shoot up a school or a mall or a post office; but not a single one of those nutjobs will put one single bullet into a Donald Trump or some other modern Mephistopheles like Shkireli.

Hell off Earth, too.

I have to say, if I were aboard the ISS I don't think I'd want to watch a movie that reminded me of work.

It is an incredibly beautiful movie, but I found it maddeningly just shy of incomprehensible. Apparently it was cut down from a 600+ page script. I think if it were a trilogy or perhaps a TV series the backstory would be more compelling and rich.

At least it shits less than my Ridiculous 6 edition palomino horse.

It didn't do much for me. I saw TPM when it came out, the main thing I remember is that I got there late and had to sit all the way at the front row and all the way left corner. My neck was killing me by the end of the movie since I was essentially looking straight up at the screen, like watching it projected on the

Gravies of the Ancients is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I think his legal team are going to ride the gravy train until it runs out of steam / money.

This all really has the tone of "this ain't yo mamma's Star Trek!"