Semi-interesting fact finder.

The 2003 world champion of NASKA (north american sport karate association) black belt open forms, musical weapons, traditional forms, and traditional weapons.

I think she was trying to.

"Call me Ishmael: just don't call me tomorrow"

But I don't wanna see Whitney Cummings on Another Period.

Technically, the container and the glass are cylinders; thus it should be called Cylindertine.

I'm super excited: if for no other reason than seeing this movie might solve the mystery of how Judd Hirsch became a commercial fisherman.

It's as good as anything else: if they show it on cable I'll generally tune it in, but I wouldn't go out and actually buy it.

For me, I have to say it's the boobs. Also the lipstick.

Proof that Jim Belushi sacrificed his more talented brother for worldly fame and success.

My favorite Michael Caine bit was something he did on Conan back in the day; this feature called "celebrity confessions" or something. Anyhow, Caine comes on and says "I was a fan of the rapper M.C Hammer, but then I found out that the M.C didn't stand for Michael Caine, so I destroyed his career"

"She was only 15 years old!"

I watched Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films. It is a pretty decent glimpse into the world of insane Cannon films, and since then I've found all manner of movies to see. So much Chuck Norris, so many movies with boobs in them for no reason. I then watched The Apple, which…holy shit. Just

To me, the best violence to watch from afar is mascot on mascot violence; or like in a movie where a guy and a mascot get into a fistfight. Hilarious!

So did I. It was just one of those jobs that you have in your early 20's that get fucked off unnecessarily. I just stopped showing up one day: I was going to go to the Warped tour that year in Denver. I'd taken the day off, but I got my days screwed up and didn't go to work the day before. They called me

The closest I came to a Ginsberg tale of prickery came about in the seemingly distant year of 2000. Back then I was living in Boulder and I worked at a place called Jalino's Pizza, on Arapahoe street right across from the high school. It was about 6 blocks from the Naropa institute where Ginsberg taught the Jack

Man Becca's a real prick, telling Paul about Lindsay's pregnancy. What's worse is that she mentioned it even though it was not 100% clear it was his kid in there at that time.

The Sunday puzzle is larger than the weekly crosswords, and yes it is harder. The idea is that on Sunday a person has all day to work the thing, so it can be really tough.

Try taking regular popcorn after it's popped and dust it with a blend of:

Leopold Doppler and the Orpheum Gravy Boat Riot is a brilliantly funny story. Also all of Jean Sheppard's stories about serving as a radar tech in WWII are quite funny.