Semi-interesting fact finder.

Who bought them rook, line and sinker.

I think that over the years Yoko Ono has taken a large and unnecessary amount of flak for "breaking up the Beatles". I also think that she should never, ever under any circumstances ever be allowed to sing into a microphone.

Yes, because as we all know a trick is what a whore does for money.

That phrase doesn't hold up under scrutiny: if a person's head is up their own ass, then logically they still could not see their fillings as their teeth and eyes are in the same head, irregardless of orifice insertion.

It's probably better to go Milf than young: I worry sometimes that the girls are not in fact 18 in "18-25" porn.

I won't leave you hanging! high five

Hitler's game plan, had Germany won the war, would have been to essentially starve eastern Europe to death then resettle the open land with German people. Sort of like how the native Americans were killed off in the American west. In the universe of the show it is likely the Axis did that in America. This wouldn't

It also rose out of a cloud bank on Earth, after it was shot down and the thrusters kicked back on.

Wait it isn't? I guess this should go somewhere else than. dick-van-dyke.jpg (390×488)

Enemy Mine or get the flunk out!

Oh man, I wonder how the starship Enterprise is going to rise out of a dense mist this time?

The general rule is see the even numbered movies, avoid the odd numbered movies.

You know there just aren't enough well made rural comedies these days. As much as I love the city, rural America is ripe for parody.

Fuck man, all around terrible news that.

And several instances of domestic abuse.

Wait, what? I haven't checked the news: are you saying Scott Weiland died as well?

I believe that was a stand Hunter S. Thompson took when he was running for county sheriff of Aspen: all the outside money and crowds were ruining the town. Which I could kind of see in Boulder, and it's what you see in anyplace that is hip and desirable to live in like Austin, Texas or Portland. A lot of times those

You raise a valid point: I will say though that I'm biased to like Gretchen more because I, and we the audience, have seen her at her ostensible best. Depression sucks and what makes it so tragic here is that we know she's so damned awesome, like when you have a close friend suffering from it and you know they are

Oh my. At least the man got to live a full, rich life doing what he loved.

I'd like to see Kickstarter: Vengeance, the story of a guy who seeks donations to enact a plan of violent revenge on those who wronged him.