Semi-interesting fact finder.

I think it is: stealing a bottle is a kind of dick move, but I think if somebody called him out on it, Jimmy would give it back albeit begrudgingly. Stealing a DVD player in a huff smacks of a kind of Fatal Attraction-esque madness.

Yea, I mean who steals a DVD player like that? That's pretty nuts in of itself.

It is truly good that Jimmy stayed, if for nothing else for the fact that Nina really really comes off like a nut job. Anybody who sends a whole slew of texts like that in rapid succession, to a guy whom she knows has a girlfriend no less, is the bad crazy.

Hope is still a more noble thing than despair, no matter how the odds are stacked against it.

You know what: I don't fucking care what they think, an outright gun ban would be a far better idea than so much senseless violence.

Funny thing is that when I lived in Boulder back in the early 2000's the locals bitched incessantly about how "the Californians" ruined the town. Boulder's weird like that: it's a fairly big town that wishes it was half the size.

Did you know that Robert Redford was a busboy at The Sink, a famed Boulder restaurant, in the 50's?

I'd have hoped the first question would have been "Chris Brown, what in the fuck is wrong with you, you dumb fucking prick?"

I hope she gets a singing career going, that episode was pretty cool.

Nobody mentions the Holodomor, or the regime of Pol Pot: those were at least as bad as the Holocaust.

Oh yea, the further back you go the harder it is to find archaeological evidence for anything. What's compelling to me is that some of those thousands of year old cultures (for example the Elamites) had records indicating the existence of kingdoms some three or 4,000 years before them.

I've been listening to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, which is beginning a several part series on the history of the Acheminid Persian empire. Pretty interesting. For example, Cyrus the Great is the only non-Jew to be considered a prophet in Judaism, because he sacked Babylon and used the proceeds to rebuild the

True: another guy I worked with had a master's in industrial management, was a nuclear engineer in the Navy yet this guy was the biggest right wing, Glenn Beck admiring nutjob I've ever met. All that aside, he was a decent enough person. Funny as hell.

I hate the idea of the "dumb working class" type. I worked in a factory making oil filters, and I'd say that at least half the people I worked with had a college degree. One girl had a masters in English, but found that factory work pays better than teaching English to kids.

That is something people don't tend to realize: by the standards of the day the Persian empire was quite tolerant. They were one of the first empires whose foreign policy was not "kill and /or rape everybody"

It's an alternate universe TV show: on one hand, such shows have to have a good amount of exposition to set up the rules of the TV show universe. On the other hand, they can't just jam a bunch of that exposition in quickly, otherwise viewers won't keep tuning in. Fringe was a good show, but it took well into the

Right? That whole movie is essentially a chase between two steam locomotives, moving at a brisk walking pace, that is at least as exciting as almost any car chase I've seen.

I pray he gets whatever Cat Scratch Fever is.

When you realize that he did all his own stunts his films become all the more impressive. I believe it's Sherlock, Jr in which he rides on the handlebars of a motorbike for what seems like 10 miles.

So what, any number of songs by Ted Nugent wouldn't fit the bill? I figure the Nuge has got to be throwing high praise and some rawk music at il Trumperino.