Semi-interesting fact finder.

A Lifetime movie that is.

Those perfectly adequate hot dogs and that big hot dog shaped RV! Oh wait, you mean Matthew Weiner.

Oh I believe you. You know, when I was younger I lived in a town called Newport, Oregon. Across the Yaquina Bay there is a rather nice bridge, designed by engineer Conde McCullogh and opened in 1936. Anyhow, Sylvester Stallone got a speeding ticket driving across it once.

What is crazy to me is that Stallone is today the same age as Burgess Meredith was in the first Rocky film. Gotta say, Sly doesn't look half bad for a dude pushing 70.

So this isn't a book about a year spent listening to the prog-rock group Yes? I could really get behind that.

Or "castigated" nobody says that much these days.

The thing about Rockwell in real life is that reading up on him is to read something that….it's like I said about the KKK in some other thread: what's the word for something that is worthy of mockery but does the job so well in its normal existence that any attempt at parody would be less humorous than the real story.

I realize that I might sound like a bit of a pig when I say this; but I think Hogarth can do better wife-wise. What I do like though is that Hogarth is still a power hungry super high powered lawyer who cheats on her wife with the secretary, much like a male version of that character would.

Why didn't they just run the Marshall over with the truck?

Eh, it's no R.C Cola, the only true pop. Though staying away from HFC, that white man's poison, is probably for the best.

awwww yeaaaaaa!

Nile audiophile?

Is there a word to describe something that is ridiculous enough to be worthy of parody, yet is also ridiculous enough that it is essentially its own parody? That word would sum up the KKK.

Calvin Coolidge, our most taciturn president. His lack of expression has to convey a lack of jiggy-ness.

Space Mutiny is a good episode. I really want to see the MST3K movie, where they watch This Island Earth.

I've heard that he didn't even ask the Martian how it felt about that.

Nah, it's the extended version where a Japanese whaling ship gets Willy off the coast and a business man eats whale sushi off a nude woman.

Nice, I was thinking of buying Interstellar; but every time I spent money buying a movie on streaming Prime ends up getting it within a month. Good to know I won't have to waste money.

Yea it really bothered me for some reason. Must have been one of those little kid things.

What traumatized me the most was that I was 9 when I saw it in my hometown movie theater. I went to the bathroom and while I was taking a leak, I looked up and the men's room didn't have a ceiling. It was just walls, then straight up two stories to the bare rafters. I wouldn't use the bathroom in that movie theater