Semi-interesting fact finder.

It's a better country song than what's on the radio today. I've said it before but I think new country and hip hop have a lot of vaguely similar lifestyle choices: fancy vehicles with big ass rims, hot girls, drinking a lot. Bob and David seem to have seen what I mean.

Ah yes, the classic essay "The Time of her Time". Mailer wrote some good stuff, but my god was he ever utterly wrong about women.

Carrie Anne Moss kills it in this. And her secretary is ridiculously hot.

The assumption that everybody has epoxy, tools, etc is pretty normal for a midwesterner. We do all have the ability to repair things, at least I do.

Even though as a Nebraskan I have some small resentment for "moved to NYC from Omaha" as a stereotype for gullible, kind rube I still always like it when TV characters are from here. Hope's dad insistently offering to fix Jessica's door is just the kind of niceness one can expect from a Nebraskan.

I always assume "it's complicated" means " I'm fucking my ex"

Is any of these features a retaliate button for when your ex writes all manner of completely untrue stuff about you; like you robbed her house even though you haven't been there in months or you slept with her sister even though her sister died 5 years ago.

It could be that she followed Smash Mouth well after their prime: they didn't just cease to be a band after 1999.

Maybe that's a bartender stereotype: I worked in a bar for a while and the owner of that place cheated on his wife all the time. Hell he got some other chick preggers, did lots of methamphetamine, gambled the company payroll away on keno, lost his liquor license and now owes the IRS shitloads of money.

You know what really bothers me? That Cuervo ad: they talk about the 1972 Stones tour, but they play the song "Miss You" which came out in 1978.

Proving once again that Facebook is the bathroom wall of social discourse.

"He's an asshole too sir: gunner's mate, first class Philip Asshole"

It depends on how old you were I think. I was 7 or 8, so Spaceballs was absolutely the pinnacle of comedy until I saw Holy Grail.

"Knock next time, knock before you come in!"

Kat Dennings has to be somewhere in there, that's one (or two) more.

Maybe, but I don't think the Ptolemaic pharaohs were known for having facial hair either. Though as a woman of Macedonian Greek descent, I suspect Cleopatra had to worry a bit about depilatory matters.

Is there going to be a part where Merlin uses his magic powers to make a lovely maiden's clothes fall off? She tries to get her bodice pulled up, but by then he's already seen everything.

You mean like a 17 year old kid who just discovered black and white film photography, then takes endless pictures of trees and abandoned buildings?

Why does god need a starship, I mean production company?

Nah, third weekend of March.