Semi-interesting fact finder.

It's like a group of people got together and said " hey, you guys remember that movie Stargate? What if we made that, but without all the science stuff and with all the weird Egyptian stuff?"

Scrooged: watch it, your life may just depend on it.

Well you know what to do: spent $30 to buy enough pizza making stuff to make pizzas, then sell them for $35 each. Deliver them wearing a gold bowtie so you come off as classier than the other pizza joint. Then $$$$$$.

I'd move to KC, it seems like a lovely town. I went there for a Radiohead concert a few years back and liked it well enough. All those fountains.

Or go the other way: some guy from NYC gets tired of the hustle and bustle and moves to Kansas City.

That was such a first world problem of his: he was a single, successful man in Manhattan, a city filled with probably millions of some of the most beautiful women on Earth and he's whining about some "the one". I counter that at least 95% of the women he dated on that show were better than Robin.

I don't know about that: I believe it was Bojack Horseman who said something to the effect of NYC being good to live in for 6 months, and only if you are super rich.

See, the big joke in Yoghurt's merchandising is that George Lucas gave Brooks permission to make a Star Wars parody, but not to make any Spaceballs merchandise.

I believe Netflix Brazil or Netflix Mexico has them all.

Ass & Furious 69: Drop tha soap

That desk is fucking sweet, and I really really want one for my office.

Broomfield has the absolute worst stop lights in America. It's one of those let each road of traffic into the intersection go one at a time affairs.

They should have made a trilogy: that period of history is truly fascinating; full of epic battles, love, seduction, betrayal. Incest. It's woven into the story of the Roman republic's establishment of hegemony over the Mediterranean sea only for the republic to give way to the Roman Empire within 30 years, due in

Good river. I'll be in my bunk. Other Firefly references.

People like to joke that "blahblahblah was a better love story than Twilight ", but that was aching and nuanced compared to the "love story" of Anakin and Padme. If it was the story of a guy obsessed with some princess, raping her, getting her preggers and causing her death I'd buy it. But there is not only no

Not hatred, but I absolutely find them very disappointing. There are dozens of different stories they could have told, what they ,did tell should have been done far better.

So it's a training film for the perhaps inevitable civil war of 2057?

How nouveau riche: when I want to listen to music on the go I hire a band to follow me around and play the songs live. Headphones, pffftt.


I remember that I had a few different characters whipped up, generally always fighters. One was named Zendifious, and whenever I played him my friend the DM would always have a NPC who was a hard of hearing old man who would say "heh.?..what'd you say?….syphilis?" to howls of laughter.