Semi-interesting fact finder.

Any sort of closeable container in which sex can be stored to maintain freshness and/or protect it from excessive wear and tear.

It could be OK. What you would do is have Indiana Jones teaching his class in say the mid 1960's; he gets a student or even a small group of students who learn of his adventures and want to do the same type of thing he did as a younger man. They naturally look to Jones for guidance, and he gives advice and helps them

I think in reality the rental on that costume was much less, but the clerk realized Jimmy was caught in a desperate bind and jacked up the price as a bluff.

I absolutely want a pair of pants like those. Plaid trousers are due for a comeback!

For a while, I thought Jimmy was completely making up "Buckle Your Shoes".

The tale of the Los Angeles aqueduct, as well as the city's increasingly costly and elaborate other massive projects to bring fresh water and green green lawns to a dry city, is very exciting!

I have a weird sliding scale of board game morality. At times, I'm cutthroat and monopoly squatting. Other times, I am NPR levels of polite.

Does it have any weed in it?

She was legitimately cute though! I myself never got it bad for her, but I can see why people my age do.

I'm against the free parking windfall: it's like a lottery and lotteries are for gullible people. I am in a minority among my friends in this way of thinking. I on the other hand don't want to play the game for 14.347 hours, which is what happens when people do the big cash money for parking thing.

Does Rhianna get the battleship?

Right! I only seem to meet early Genesis fans here on the internet. In real life they are scarce as hen's teeth.

She likes hairless guys, and I am about as opposite that than a man can be without being an actual wolf-man. Also I'm nearly 15 years older than her. I don't think I could do it. I have friends with kids that age.

One night at work I was talking to this girl, young girl in her early 20's and some Phil Collins song came on the radio. She got an excited look on her face and asked me "who sings this song?" I told her it was Phil Collins, and she said "the guy who sang the Tarzan song"?

Still though, even a hint of a doubt of such a thing is terrifying.

What's worse is that his father's wife had a baby after that, thus the guy raped his way into being a father/brother.

I've never really understood Mulholland Drive, though I've seen it many times.

It's not literally a Formula 1 car, just made by noted race car manufacturers Mclaren. Still, with a 242 mph top speed and no power brakes or steering it is not a car for the faint hearted. The singer of Prodigy wrecked his.

Kingsmen is simultaneously the best and worst movie I've seen. I wonder what murderous adventures the sequel will bring our favorite bourgeois terrorist organization.