Semi-interesting fact finder.

Years ago I lived in a very ramshackle house with some friends of mine. One day I was pouring a cup of coffee when I saw a mouse on the stove. I picked up the cat and put it up there, as this was the main practical reason I'd gotten one. The cat looked dumbfounded for a moment, then realized "oh right, mouse" and

Wow, you bought a brand new car that was produced between 1992-1999? And it would be one of the 106 Mclaren made in those years? Not with $18K, those are all seven figure cars.

That was more of a two parter though.

I wonder if any band has released a double album without that band imploding/ losing a key member soon afterwards. Off the top of my head:

Only a robot would extol the virtues of owning a car whose main characteristic is unreliability.

It's OK, but all in all I like Karen Gillan's short film, Conventional. That's a fun thing to watch, as you can here: Conventional - YouTube

I think most people, rich or poor, really don't know what their co-workers make. Asking "what do you get paid" is kind of frowned upon so I can see an actor (or anybody else) not knowing that their female co-worker is getting the shaft in terms of pay.

I am sincerely amazed at this point that "Milf island" isn't a real show. On CMT. Or SpikeTV.

Actually Henry VIII was pretty well educated; he spoke Latin, French and Italian. He learned to read at an early age, as did most royals wealthy people of the 16th century who could afford private tutors. He was kind of a meathead jock type of guy though.

Master of Ceremonies Hammer.

Off hand I'd say if a woman is sexy and has a kid, she is a milf irregardless of age. I'd imagine though that milf-iness has an inherent quality of a woman who is older than the person calling her a milf. In which case, it would not be a specific age but a ratio of age of being older than the younger person.

So what do people who find Seinfeld "intolerant" think of Eddie Murphy's stand up? A ten minute bit about how "faggots are not allowed to look at my ass" is pretty damned intolerant. Have they ever seen Andrew Dice Clay? Sam Kinison? Lenny Bruce?

Why not do it yourself? That's what I do, mechanics are expensive.

I read (read?) The Chive one day a few years back. I didn't think too much of it, but a while later I began to see their T-shirts and bumper stickers all over small town Nebraska. I knew then that it wasn't cool anymore. Nebraska is where culture goes to die. Although one day at the gym a rather bosom-y woman was

My biggest problem with my fellow gearheads isn't so much their numbnut-ness; it's the fact that about 99% of them are right wing nutjobs. Why can't more liberals be as into automotive mechanics as me?

Interestingly enough, Phil Collins has the largest private collection of Alamo memorabilia.

Like taking a bunch of ones, making a papier mache effigy complete with dick and blowing it?

Let's see: if Edgar as he said went from high school straight to the army he would have been 18/19 in 2003/2004. That assumes he went in right at the beginning of the war though. Either way he would be around 28-29.

Me too, but I kind of feel bad that my mind immediately assumed "oh yea, she's totally banging some other person!"

Remember the episode where Jimmy drops Gretchen off her phone, but tries to guess the password? He guesses 6969. It was wrong, but I wonder if 6969 is going to be the go to secret code?