Semi-interesting fact finder.

That's what a fool believes!

Are you suggesting the Hulkster simply forgot that in real life the offensive things you say aren't bleeped out?

Twelve year old me want's to shake your hands, internet!

I never tire of how quickly the bartender goes from dismissive to totally into it.

Echhh, that song's right up there on my list of hated songs. I just can't stand nu metal for many reasons; one of which is all these "romantic" sounding sentiments being growled at me over a dropped D riff. If you want to sing in a metal-esque growl, sing about something bad ass: muscle cars, dragons, war. Not

A couple of seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm?

Once, but then that rabid fan base grew up, had kids, got jobs, etc and now moved on to something else. If they are anything like me, they moved on to podcasts and NPR; occasionally having a wistful moment when "Buddy Holly" comes up on Pandora.

And the sriracha bacon cheddar ranch.

It's not how much money you have, it's whether or not you use said money to live well and tastefully or with a crass vulgarity. I may not be super rich, but I do have impeccable taste and that is priceless.

Growing up, I never would have thought that NPR would be the most cutting edge source of new music on broadcast radio. It was all news and classical in my youth.

In no particular order:
2-Mamie van Doren
3-Susan Sarandon
4-Elizabeth Taylor, bonus if she's dressed as Cleopatra
5-Betty Bromser
6-Karen Gillan
7-Catherine Deneuve
8-Mary Tamm
9-Alison Brie
10-with possibly controversy; the Virgin Mary

Well I don't know: you went to McD's to get some food that included a vague blob that shouts offensively, and by your description you saw a vague blob yelling offensively. Now if these minion toys came with little toy pick-ups you'd have something.

You know, Wendy's was the first fast food place to have a drive thru, in 1967.

Who would care to wager that these will be selling on ebay for like $20 a piece by the end of the week?

Like current celebrities, or can I pick 10 from throughout history?

Then somehow made them all look as bad as mug shots.

Suddenly I ask, sick bastardly: how can they not?

"What good's two million dollars if we can't pound each other"? and now my computer is covered in coffee.

No, what I do now is I run a big steel press in a factory that makes oil filters. I make a bit over $17 an hour, all the benefits and I honestly work half as hard as I ever did cooking in a restaraunt.

Having done it as a profession for over a decade, I've concluded that to be a good restaurant cook, a person has to be: