Semi-interesting fact finder.

So who lives there, the pope? The vatican? The Rothschilds? The Gettys?

I read some article there once that spoke a bit about how the bad taste of the 1970's was in part due to white trash making money, then dictating style by buying the gaudiest shit.

As much as I agree, a sitcom about some guy working in a factory somewhere just isn't as full of entertaining possibilities as whatever people do for a living in sitcoms today.

Why not? I'm quite a good cook, but the fact is that having the ability to make just about any food you could eat makes choosing what to cook exhausting; like having a huge closet full of clothes and trying to choose an outfit. I generally eat spaghetti or peanut butter sandwiches unless I'm cooking for other people.

I think that Jack White is often the best part of a band he's in, and I like what he does as far as preserving music history, but as a solo artist he doesn't have the confines of a group to reign in his ego and his "hey, I'm an olde tyme blues man" schtick. and I think this makes his solo work suffer a bit.

You don't want to know. Unless you do.

I never had the disk, that's the problem. The computer came with 7 pre installed, and microsoft is of no help at all. I could buy a new copy, but why pay for something I already own?

I have to fix mine: my hard drive is on the fritz so I bought a replacement, only to then realize I don't have a windows installation disc. So I have to take the whole works to a shop and have them clone the old drive to the new one.

I got a shiner from a rifle scope once, possibly the ultimate in macho. Also poor shooting form; a 30-30 really recoils more than I though.

My weekend was not too shabby. I sprained my ankle early on, but a day's rest set that right as rain. Then, BBQ, explosions, etc. I did start watching this show on Netflix that a friend told me about years ago but I'd forgotten: La Reina del Sur. It's this novella about a woman whose husband is murdered by the

And you know what, those effects still look pretty good. On the other hand, CGI from a mere five years ago looks like cheap dogshit. Why is that?

I'm waiting for streaming or blu-ray so I can watch it at home whilst getting really high.

Oh, I'd say it is…..a hard call

Speaking of commercials and 90's nostalgia, you know those new KFC ads with Colonel Sanders? Every time I see them all I can think of is the part in So I Married an Ax Murderer when Mike Meyer's dad is ranting about the colonel. "Oh, I hate the colonel, with his wee beady eyes and that smug look on his face, oh yer

I think it's the cannons, we do love great explosions on the 4th.

The original rat pack Ocean's Eleven or the newer one?

Linger all the way!

Can I have some?

Any auto parts store will take it and recycle it.

Nonsense, if some "tattooed dropout" can change car oil, surely it is within the realm of the average person. It's actually about the easiest thing to do in the world. Rebuilding a transmission, on the other hand, that is a bit of a pain in the ass.