Semi-interesting fact finder.

Is LSD even available anymore? I haven't heard of any around since about 2002. Man that was a fun day.

I wonder sometimes whether or not time travel is actually possible. That would depend on whether or not the "past" is an actual , physical place that can be reached as opposed to a "past" which is part of the human construct of time.

No, but I have a large friend named Gus who was at one time a bartender. I don't think he's got the moves for a sexy dance though.

The last time I went to a strip joint, both of the dancers had called in sick, so the bartender was doing the stripping. Sure she was cute, but clearly an amateur. Life pro tip: don't go to a strip joint in a small Nebraska town.

No matter how hot she is, having a girlfriend half your age is always pathetic; it's the sexual equivalent of a really bad combover.

I really think that in modern times a woman with substance abuse problems and psychological issues gets worse treatment in the media and from John Q. Public than a man would in similar circumstances. If Charlie Sheen gets wild and druggy, people laugh and say it's awesome; Lohan does it and people say she's a slut

I thought for a second this movie was named after a line in an of Montreal song, but I guess it's the other way around.

"first, he was an evil robot, then he was a good robot, and now he is an old robot" -Paul F. Thompkins as Werner Herzog in an episode of CBB.

I'd like to see a Terminator film set in say the first 6 months after judgement day: how does the human resistance meet up, get supplies, etc. Maybe throw in a power struggle or like a rival camp of resistance fighters who fight against John Connor and company.

So a character switches sides….like when Phil Collins switched to vocals after Peter Gabriel quit? Is there any battle like the Battle of Epping Forest?

Minimum wage is far too low, things worth having are damned expensive. I know a few people whom I work with who have part time jobs, which strikes me as odd considering the whole idea of working 40 hours a week in a factory is to not have to work a series of demeaning part time fast food/clerking a gas station types

It was Jackie Kennedy: she finally got sick of him running around with Marilyn Monroe. So she took a derringer out of her pillbox hat and BAM!

How old is this guy? I can't see him remembering 1994 that well. Granted life was a little slower in the 1990's, but on the whole people have always wanted faster/more/now since history was first crudely painted on the walls of caves some 200,000 years ago.

I always wondered how they shot the zero G parts!

When I first read the headline the people behind the bible, I thought "who, god? Why would god want to make a show about NASCAR?"

Hmmm…I'd say that's pretty close, maybe too close to call. I'm gonna give a slight edge to Squire simply because on the whole prog-rock musicians tend to be more technically proficient, classically trained, etc. If they traded bands for a tour, I think Chris Squire could play Entwistle's parts in the Who catalog

If there is one thing I can't get behind about this, it's the fact that there is absolutely no way Love Shack has ever been available on 8-track. Looks like Sugar Than Uncle should have done some precursory research.

See that's what's so weird about dad's taste in music; he dug the hell out of Motley Crue, but hated punk. He was into Samantha Fox, though I suspect that's because she was really really hot. Naughty girls need love too.

Oh shit! What I meant was they were the only albums that weren't scratched to hell. Dad was really into Grand Funk, but he also had a lot of the easy listening type stuff. I recall Bread being in there. Dad didn't have any Floyd, or Zeppelin; you know the classic rock staples.

This is probably the only good album my dad had. This and the first Steely Dan record.