Semi-interesting fact finder.

The Stooges had a sax on Funhouse, and they are unarguably proto-punk.

Other than pyjamas? Call me old fashioned, but if you are leaving your house at all, your pants had better have a zipper and/or buttons. People who wear pyjamas to, say, the store are white trash.

I once used a gatorade bottle, a bic pen tube, and a used 9mm cartridge to smoke pot. And this was in the mid 90's, when the pot of Nebraska was truly horrible. Smoking actual grass probably would have gotten me more stoned.

Come now: you can't mow down a group of stereotypes with a Glock; you have to use something fully automatic. An AK, or one of those mini-guns like in Predator.

Ooo! Disco.

Surely it will come back, as fashion is cyclical; I realize now that I really miss women in plaid skirts and Doc Martens.

What kind of potheads smoke off a beer can anyways? You'd think they would have had a pipe, or at least rolled a joint.

I dunno: Ok Computer came out in 1997, Check you Head came out in 1992, Fight Club in 1999 (?). On the other hand, the Grateful Dead broke up in 1995, which is a great gift to humanity and leads credence to your assertion of "nothing comparing to 1995"

I wish the nearest store wasn't 300 miles away. I've got to move out of the sticks.

It's comical how none of their ideas involve actually paying their employees enough to live in.

I have pondered for a long time over making a mix CD, or I guess nowadays a playlist, of unsettling last songs on albums. Run For Your Life is in there, so is Jugband Blues by Floyd. There are obviously other songs but they have escaped my train of thought at the moment.

Funny, I kind of like more of these "skippable" songs than the ones on the other list. I mean come on: "Drive My Car" is pretty damned good, it's got cowbell, George playing a funky bassline what more does a song need? The chord sequence of "Mean Mr. Mustard" kills me every time, as well as the fact it's in the

I hate small talk in general. Fortunately, the lady who cuts my hair is an old friend so we actually do have things to talk about. Also, the woman who does nails with her is really, really hot.

The people's 007.

I do love it; but I still think it looks like an 8 year old drew it. Like if I learned that the art was drawn by one of their children it would not surprise me even a little.

Tarkus. That album cover makes me almost not want to listen to it, even though it is a good ELP album (and their first British #1 record I think). The juvenility of the drawings makes the music itself less tolerable, however. I never knew such a thing was even possible.

Baudrillard sounds like my kind of guy.

I had the privilege of seeing B.B King perform a few years ago, down at the hockey arena here in Kearney. He was old, sat in a chair the whole show. It was quite magical; he was and is the most gracious musician I've seen. He spent at least as much time thanking the audience for coming out (as I recall the weather

Thank god it was real! I bought Blur/Blur on vinyl, and the download content had Dancehall as well as some other cool stuff.

Oh yea Beyond the Valley of the Dolls! I dig the way women looked, and indeed today I still really go for 60's looking, frankly kind of trashy girls like the Carrie Nations. Why can't I get a T-shirt?