Semi-interesting fact finder.

Essex Dogs, god I dig that song. When that CD came out, I bought it and it faded from Essex Dogs into Dancehall. Years later, I bought a copy of the CD for some reason, and that copy didn't do this.

Well his pyjamas are probably nicer than the regular clothes of you typical John Q. Public, so it's OK.

When he was wrong, he was so very, very wrong; but some of his stuff was pretty good. His article about Jamaica and Bob Marley was alright.

It reminds me of a piece Lester Bangs wrote in praise of the Troggs, which I can't find at the moment.

Were they afraid of getting "Racist in the Year 3000"? Damn that was a funny sketch…

Oh christ! How could I forget Keither Donahue, speaking of recently on TV. When is You're the Worst coming back anyways?

Not as I recall, but I haven't snuffed in a while.

It's not YO-casta?

His voice reminds me of Mark Reid, the local Nebraska news weather caster who despite living in central Nebraska for like 30 years, still has an Australian accent.

An Italian super villain, as that global mega conglomerate is based out of Italy. Cryogenically frozen Mussolini?

Their parent companies probably bought each other. I mean one bought the other.

It tingles a bit the first couple of times. You get a drip in the back of your throat like when you do a lot of coke. Then when you blow your nose there is a lot of particulate matter.

Sometimes the tapes caught interesting news: for a while, we had the live news broadcast of 9/11 on tape but mom either lost the tape of recorded over it.

My mom watches them religiously. Before the advent of DVR technology, she would actually videotape soaps six hours a day, five days a week. We went through at least two VCRs a year.

The first season of Better Call Saul is on Netherlands Netflix; there are various…..computer-y methods to watch it.

Wait, are you talking about the lady from the phone ads (whose name completely eludes me at the moment)?

Does a vote for "the hottest lady on TV" mean she has to be on a TV show, or just TV in general? If not I vote for the lady from the AT&T ads. Or Karen Gillan, though she is not currently on TV.

Years ago, I want to say pre 9/11, I saw Jimmy Fallon doing stand-up at the University of Colorado, Boulder. It was one of the least funny acts I have ever beheld. He kept talking about flip-flops.

So $250K could make the whole office sleep with the fishes; unless NYC is more expensive for mafia hits.

Apparently that was the thing that got him the job in the prequels, but I can't remember where I read that.