Semi-interesting fact finder.

How much mafia justice do you think 250k buys? Like 10 knee cap breakings? Sending 2 guys to sleep with the fishes?

Or the kids get older and discover their own new music, which parents then hear.

I fell asleep watching that one. My god, Smaug looked corny as hell, the final battle looked like some wack ass 2005 era WoW graphics and the whole movie had this whole feeling of "Christ, let's just get this over with" to it.

Avatar. Ground breaking special effects do not, for me anyways, make up for no plot. The whole criticism of it being "Dances with Wolves with Smurfs" may be simplistic, but I'll never know.

On what? See, and "mansplaining" doesn't even make any kind of sense. If a lady explains something I don't refer to her explanation as "ladysplaining" . It's too clunky of a portmanteau.

We have had some good times with 2_____2______, huh?

On March 8th, 1983 I had just turned 4 years old.

Oh god I hate when people use the term "manscape" or any other addition of "man" to something to make it come off as extra manly, like "mancation" to refer to a "manly" type of vacation like a vegas weekend or a fishing trip; or referring to a dude as a "mangina" when a guy is acting bitchy. It's insulting.

Seems fair enough.

No, I live in a non legal state and I'm in my mid 30s so I don't know as many people who sell it anymore. All my rowdy friends have settled down as the old song says. Plus I myself have a lot more responsibilities, bills, etc so I can't just drop cash for the big weed purchases I have to make when I make them; since

At least I can take the day off work; or at least buy some pot without a ridiculous amount of planning, phone calls, looking for a month, etc.

Time = cultural acceptance. I'm sure people in their 30s in the 1960s hated the Beatles.

Every 90 minutes? In my neck of the woods, there are two top 40 stations and if you flip between them you can hear Shake it Off about every fifteen minutes.

No: it's either "Margaritaville" or possibly "Escape (the pina colada song)"

I like Radiohead; I also really dig Shake it Off. What I don't like is the system that shoves Shake it Off and other popular songs down my throat non stop. That's a rant for another time though.

I think as pot becomes more accepted/legal federally that will kind of die out because if a person can just go to a corner shop as god intended and buy some weed the idea of having a specific "day" for it will be unnecessary.

I saw it when it came out, I was tripping on LSD. Afterwards, I felt myself turning into Nic Cage; like my face was physically lengthening into Cage's horsy visage.

Or anybody who puts a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.

Don a Fagen and….become Iranian
Don a Cheadle and….use our needle
Don a Quixote and……eat at Chipotle
Don a Ho and……remove stubborn weeds from your garden area.
Don a Shula and….root for Missoula!

But he couldn't sue A.F.I for that cover of "Boys of Summer"?