Semi-interesting fact finder.

Bear with me, I don't know hot to put bold face type or italics in these comments.

Show them Nymphomaniac; I watched that a while ago and it does for sex what Requiem For A Dream did for heroin.

As well as being one of the craziest movies ever made. How Did this Get Made just did an episode on it.

That's the cast of many well liked movies. The Big Lebowski didn't fare well until years after its theatrical release. Hell; The Shawshank Redemption, rated as the #2 movie on iMDB, was kind of a flop when it came out.

Isn't France, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong, comprised mostly of land? Why are their sea salts better than the sea salt of literally any other part of the ocean?

El no puede evitaro,es glandular!

Andy Rooney always makes me think of the Rooney-off on mst3k. Also, that he was one of the first WWII reporters to go up on an allied bombing run, in the early days when casualties were extremely high.

It's a very 90's movie. It's funny: growing up in the 1990s the clothes, movies, arts, etc all seemed so normal, but looking back on them now all those things seem so…..old, like clothes from the 1890's look less ridiculous to my eyes than clothes of twenty years ago. anyhow, the movie's not good at all; but not

Is the book any good? I've been looking for a new book to read after finishing 1491.

Tight on the business: none of that arty, pretentions shit.

The receptionist was a man. A high school dropout, and a huge fan of the rapper called Necro. Really creepy shit; he also went on rotten.com a lot, remember that website? Something wrong with that kid. The funny thing was, despite having a serial killer's taste in entertainment, he was the nicest guy.

After dating me, she did marry my best friend who had started dating her after his wife left him for a 17 year old receptionist of a strip mall hair salon she worked at in Boulder.

That actress looks a lot like a girl I dated in my early 20's.

This will be an awesome movie when it's on Spike or FX ten times a month. I wonder sometimes if some filmmakers have that eventual end goal in mind.

You mean AC/DC, classic rock radio staples they are here in the midwest, are only coming to Chicago? Why not Kansas City, or Denver, or god forbid Omaha?

Or in other words big romantic gestures depend on whether you are:

Crying out for its Mommy!

Your big dick is the only thing that'll shut them broads up! Also, Dice Clay of the '20s makes me thing of the megaphone crooners sketch in Mr. Show, as does any mention of the '20's

So, if a volcano is part of nature; does this mean Herzog enjoyed the beginning of Star Trek: Into Darkness wherein Spock defeated such a magma fountain of nature with cold logical science?

The only drag I see is the vast numbers of guys, probably from rural America, who won't get the idea you are an alter ego and go "yea man, this guy GETS it" assuming you are serious.