Semi-interesting fact finder.

I looked it up to buy, and somebody is selling a copy of this album ……for $299.00. Jesus. H. Christ. If you have an extra $299 burning a hole in your pocket, get it here Love - Forever Changes: buy LP, Album at Discogs

You know fast food is awful when stripping is less degrading work.

I really want to make this next time I'm hankering for some guacamole.

To be fair, it was a rental.

At least Zeppelin is a good band: now Clapton's cover of "I Shot the Sheriff" on the other hand is pure garbage. Also an interesting choice of cover given that he was/is a huge racist.

Hey Jeepers, over here, check this shit out!

They just want to settle down, have some lebensraum, knock a few stolid children from their childbearing hips and sing a twangy song about life in "real" America.

I really wonder if Dottie is a cylon.

A huge amount of product placement of the Hyundai Genisys car?

So it's a bottle of Thousand Island dressing that costs as much as a gently used car?

I got a used Pentax K110D a couple of years ago for a photography class. It works quite well, was only $150, and it uses Pentax K-mount for the lenses; thus any K mount lens will work on it. My camera is only a few years old, but I routinely use a mid 70's telephoto with it. No problems other than the fact that

I hope pot gets legalized soon to avoid exactly this situation. I just want to buy pot at a store like people buy beers or a sack of chips, no fuss, no muss.

You know the 8 track tape was invented by Bill Lear, who also invented the Lear jet.

That idea was hotly contested back in the 80s. Al Gore, backed by the RIAA, sponsored a bill (H.R 2911) which was designed to tax blank cassette tapes, making them really expensive. Frank Zappa, in the 1985 PMRC hearings, accused the committee of being a front for said bill.

Just as long as he doesn't also show up at my house talk about it non-stop while name dropping celebs he in all reality most likely "knows" as well as a person can know somebody they sat next to on an airplane flight several years ago.

Now we've never met before, have we?

Untamed Heart; wherein Christian Slater has a monkey's heart and a very early '90s hairdo. Also Marisa Tomei says something. I typed this to the wrong guy originally.

A vcr?

I'm thinking this was made a few years ago, but is only now seeing release. This is pretty common in Hollywood. For example, remember the movie "Sugar and Spice" in which Mena Suvari was one of a group of bank robbing cheerleaders? It was filmed before American Pie, however it was shelved until after the success of

I firmly believe that if you listen to all of HDTGM in order, you can actually hear them falling in love.