Semi-interesting fact finder.

I feel like they stole some of these ideas from The Canon, who just did an episode on Forrest Gump.

Fitness is good; but how the hell am I supposed to hit the bong whilst doing all this activity?

I dunno, this cocksucker just dragged me in here….

Featuring special appearances by:

Interestingly enough, the stuffed animal of Paddington bear was created by Jeremy Clarkson's (of Top Gear fame) mom.

I've always felt so much of 80s glam rock owes a bit to the New York Dolls; Johnny Thunders is criminally underrated as a guitarist, their songs were quite heavy for the early 70s, and their overall aesthetic as a group was very prescient.

Yep; pretty much any place that has less than 5 radio stations, i.e most of the midwest.

They are; on one hand, it's nice to be able to buy LPs in more places again. On the other hand, I miss the old days when records were essentially worthless and you could buy a box of them for $1 at any garage sale. Today, thanks to hipsters with disposable income, everybody selling vinyl looks on ebay and severely

Living in the heartland where this pop country is immensely popular, I don't hate it. What I hate is how literally every person I know listens to it exclusively, and acts like any other type of music is so much weird noise. It is damned lonely living in Nebraska and not liking pop country music, and when I try to

I believe it was Dave Eggers who said "Rural America begins 10 miles outside every major city"

MTV VJ? Does she introduce the shows? I remember AMC used to have some guy introduce classic movies back when they were a movie channel.

Oh man, the bootlegger was the best! It had that George storyline where the woman from Peterman's thought George was a bad boy 'cause he was driving his dad's GTO.

Is it the Valencia that The Decemberists sang about in "O Valencia"?

You should see a doctor about that. Or just hang out in a Long John Silver's next to the condiment rack not wearing trousers.

I really like this idea of customizable graphics; in fact there could be uses of it far beyond sports.

Yea the customers can be really backwards; but the product sells Himself!

So why shouldn't a person eat a cabbage based salad on an airplane?

Ah, Ally McBeal: the show that began my huge crush on Portia De Rossi. Also my fear and distrust of CGI babies (see also those Ameritrade ads with the baby)

A lot of people are envious of famous people: who or what make you envious?

What thing do you love today that was instilled in you by your parents?