Semi-interesting fact finder.

What do you think is the most disappointing aspect or trend in popular culture today?

Mail some to a guy in Nebraska!

I'd like to see cheaper weed again. I don't always want to spend $50-100 on an eighth or a quarter of weed; when I was in high school (in the 90s) I could get an ounce of perfectly reasonable grass for $100. Today, this ounce would last me well over a month. Then again, I'd like to see pot legal so I can buy it in

Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe is a good one. Their impressions of Jessie Ventura are also spot on.

Or he'll go in the DeTomaso Pantera with its owner; who I swear to god seemed like he was hitting on Leno. You be the judge: 1971 De Tomaso Pantera - Jay Leno's Garage - YouTube

He's Bryan Cranston's character in HIMYM; all his buildings look like erect penises.

I think that is something that happens in the EU of Star Wars, but if Luke does go to the dark side I think it would happen in the second move, maybe the third.

The series finale of HIMYM seems to me like it was written by two completely different people who had never really seen the show. I wonder sometimes if Carter and Bays had a better ending written up, but it got shot down by CBS so they had to scramble together what we saw on TV. The finale has that hurried sort of

The Fountainhead is also an easier book and idea to make into a movie. I think people will buy a film about an architect who stays unswaying and true to his vision of what architecture should be long before they'll buy into the idea that "the guv'ment" is systematically oppressing industrialists through taxation.

Well, for many companies the fiscal year 2014 is over today. So hooray '15!

I always like to read the separate Jean Sheppard short stories that make up the plot of A Christmas Story. Many of them were originally published in 1960's Playboy of all places.

Isn't he the son of Captain Lou Albano, famed pro wrestler and star of the Cyndi Lauper video "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"?

Based on this review, I ask this: is this so bad it's good?

Tacypmurg? Nah mate, that something in Welsh.

Oh man, you'll never be allowed into Jersey after saying that!

Is he Jerry Stahl's (aka the guy who wrote Permanent Midnight) son?

Ah yes: Adams, Stewart and Sting. A.S.S.

Bryan Adams: is he the Canadian Bruce Springsteen? Discuss.

So are you saying your friend didn't go to the party, or the band didn't go to the party?