Semi-interesting fact finder.

Oh thank god, I do in fact need a new set of steak knives.

Not gonna lie; teenage me thought Alanis was rather sexy walking around naked in that video.

Second! What do I win?

Time travel.

Wow, Taran Killam as Manson looks like Bob Odenkirk.

I could be wrong, but wouldn't people who grew up on an irradiated earth be MORE resistant to radiation than some people who grew up in outer space?

I really like The Canon; as a fan of bad movie podcasts I wondered sometimes "hey, why isn't there a podcast where people discuss good movies in an equally impassioned and intelligent way" Enter The Canon, though I'm sure there are others like it.

Damn dude, she's like the version of Andie MacDowell that WWII bomber crews paint on the nose of the B-17.

"I'm more interested in breasts than chess!"


I saw Alkaline Trio at Tulagi's in Boulder (I think it was Tulagi's; or the place next door what the hell was that one called?) in 2001. The main thing I remember of that show was seeing the guy from Dashboard Confessional (who was one of the other acts) come onstage with his acoustic guitar; at this I turned to my

I'm not gonna lie: the first time I saw the ad for Gracepoint on TV, I said to my friend "oh wow, that guy in this show looks a lot like David Tennant, which is interesting because this show is based off a BBC programme called Broadchurch which he was in" Then, I realized it was in fact Tennant.

The fact that I like this show, yet make fun of people who watch soap operas, is very a very odd juxtaposition to my mind.

As much as I love vinyl records, I really feel like so many people who do so have their heads far and firmly up their own asses. "Curating the vinyl brunch"! HaHa.

Is that Susie Essman I see in that clip? I hope she calls somebody a bald or fat fuck.

Plus, if you are in extreme poverty sex is about the only fun thing you can actually afford to do.

Although I like Firefly, I wish I had/there exists a novelty account of the two old muppets who sit in the balcony and swap barbed insults, because this deserves a laugh of that type.

Goes to show the big three networks don't know a damned thing about letting a show run long enough to build an audience. This smacks of Fox's treatment of Firefly.

The first episode was the best for me; dude walks casually out of prison, fakes being a valet and drives off in a Rolls, and by the end of the show he lives in that swanky Manhattan loft with that rich lady whose late husband was apparently an understudy of the Rat Pack judging by his clothes.

Are they both filmed in Vancouver, passing as NYC or Boston? that's the way you'll know that they share the same universe. Or do they? Fringe had that parallel universe with the zeppelins, Eric Stoltz's Back to the Future, and no coffee.