
Am I going to argue that Jonathan Foreman and Mandy Moore weren't better on their version of "Someday We'll Know"? Nope. However, the quality of the song outdistances the singer on this record, or, at least, makes you (mostly) overlook him.

Slag Bulkhead. Roll Fizzlebeef..

"Plank Rockchest." "Big McLargeHuge."

We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese.

I met Jeffrey Wright outside my polling place on the last day of early voting in 2008. He and Cynthia Nixon (Miranda from Sex & The City) were campaigning against Amendment 3 in Florida, which, until a couple of years ago, when it, and every other anti-gay marriage law in the country, was struck down, would have

And I always figured it was because, accent or not, Alan Rickman's voice still sounds like Alan Rickman's voice. He did nothing to disguise that. John had already talked to him more than once. The tones are absolutely identical. Pretty dead giveaway, really

Definitely U2's "Songs of Innocence." I weathered through the "We're sorry we got weird—here's stuff that sounds like we did when you thought we were awesome!" apology-to-the-80s-fans albums "All That You Can't Leave Behind" and "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb"—there was enough good stuff on both of those, and I

Outside of the obvious gorgeousness of Leslie Bibb and Cary Pope, I remember the Latin girl being really attractive, too. I just I have no recollection of who played her. Also, wasn't Billy Bob from "Varsity Blues" in this thing, basically playing Billy Bob without a bad Texas accent?

She was in a Canadian indie move about 6-7 years ago called "Y.P.F. (Young People F**king)" and was absolutely smoking in that one. Moderately entertaining, vignette-type thing, that kept bouncing back and forth between 3-4 evening hookups. Sort of played out as a videotaped stage play. Her bits were definitely the

She did. Nicole Julian was driving it. I don't remember for the life of me why she did it.

This show was one of the most bizarre things I ever watched on network television (too young for Twin Peaks). No one knew who Ryan Murphy was then, but in retrospect, the surreal aspects of the thing make a lot more sense now.

Yep, definitely checking this one out. Love all four volumes of the Ambient series and Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks dearly. Comparisons two even two of those, and my ears are very excited.

Thank you! Besides "eaten by wolves," that one's my favorite, but then there's also "Gerald Ford was mauled senselessly by a circus lion…in a convenience store." or maybe "A fireball destroyed France today, and Gerald Ford is dead." The hell with it, the whole thing's awesome.

If it was Slipknot, I'd have a bad reaction to 8 hours of it, myself. Would love to watch him react to 8 hours of Cannibal Corpse, though…

Thank you for pointing this out. Was all set to say "Norwegians play black metal, not death metal."

I've never really considered him much of an impressionist, more of a caricaturist, and he was great at that. Lone exception of an honest-to-god great impression was his "Tom Brokaw pre-records the news so he can spend the winter in Barbados" sketch, originally written for, but never aired on, "The Dana Carvey Show",

Decent ep. Not as laugh out loud funny as some of them have been this year, but Paul's attempts at cuckolding were cringe-inducing funny, and I loved Jimmy getting out in the fresh air at the reservoir. And of course Vernon and Becca have a podcast—Todd Anderson hosts two or three of them (his own and The Film Pigs

I would be somewhat frightened. That scene happened in the middle of the day. Somewhere along the way I picked up the factoid that raccoons out at that time are usually rabid…

Chow Mein Raccoon more directly ties into the fact that the first thing that Gretchen litters on the lawn is a carton of Chinese take-out. :)

Todd Robert Anderson as Vernon is consistently once of the best parts of this show. I was really hoping he'd get a bump to regular this year, because he killed it every time he was on last season, just as he has this year.