
Falk has mentioned, somewhere, someplace, that Jimmy's accent is a conscious decision to distance himself from his "Alabama-English" family's way of speaking. Because he thinks he's better than them, he tries to speak differently than them. Chris himself is from Cambridge, and his speaking voice on the show is his

Falk loves Collette Wolfe—she was the star of his never-aired NBC show—he also has a naturally limited FX Networks budget for his episodes.

Bonus points if you spotted that the "Blue Cube" DVD kiosk Jimmy and Gretchen stole in the Season 2 premiere is still in their living room.

A.V. Club, where have you guys been? This news was on the metal blogs like two months ago.

Stephen has a baby daughter, not a son. Her mom is the show's makeup supervisor, the genius who discovered Jimmy's "disguise mustache.'

That would indeed be the case.

Sorry to burst your imagination, but Miami has no Piggly-Wiggly stores. At one time, not too long ago (say 10 or 12 years), we only had 1 or 2 Walmarts (I think there are maybe 7 now, which, in a metro area of 4 million, is not a lot). You gotta go north from here to actually be in the South….

It's like…yeah, Ice. They're masochists… This is a show about rape and murder… You're gonna have to get used to that.

There are parents who still let their children enroll there? You'd think the number of rapes and murders that place experiences would have caused the place to close by now. Must be lots of exchange students that weren't told…

I believe he also once announced that he was going to run for Prime Minister of Israel, and the name "Moriarty" is about as Jewish as the name "McCoy." For awhile there, he was alternating between wearing a long, Grizzly Adams-type beard, and playing in Toronto piano bars, while releasing albums like this:

I stand corrected. For some reason I thought it had to get to 20 to beat "Gunsmoke" as the longest-running TV drama, but you're right, it tied "Gunsmoke" with 20.

That was a Waterston case—the Season 7 three-parter of the Hollywood director who beheaded his wife.

I only heard this theory in the last year or two, but it struck me as weirdly amusing—the idea that Schiff was just a senile old man who kept wandering into the DA's office, yelling "Make the deal!" to random passersby, before eventually being escorted out by security telling him he didn't work there anymore…

Original Recipe lasted for 19 seasons, which SVU is still short of, but it is disheartening that it's the only one that's still around, particularly because it's turned into more of a terrible soap opera than a police procedural. I've tried to watch it all the way through, and made it to about season 9 before it just

Wow, and with a capital "A," no less…

Hey!!! Aaron Lee, the source for this story, is my cousin!!! He wrote on a bunch of the roasts—Flava Flav's, Shatner's, Bob Saget's and Pamela Anderson's, off the top of my head. A great guy that I see far too seldom.

How much can you really call this a "reunion," when 4/5 of them already play in the same band together? And Chris, "Never seen before?" Anyone who went to Pearl Jam's 20th Anniversary shows at Alpine Valley has seen this before. Remember that time? This album has some pretty great songs on it, but it's not great in

I just want to know whether you can understand anything she's saying this time around. There was a song on her last album I happened upon once on the radio where, I swear to God, I thought she was saying, "I know I should have farted", which was apparently unintentional. Unintentionally hilarious, all the same.

This promo is a pretty prominent signpost of childhood memories for me. I think my folks got HBO in the house around 1984 or 1985, and this preceded every movie the channel aired. If we actually still had the VHS tapes of the movies we recorded at the time, I've no doubt this would have preceded more than a few of

I love the "Evening with…" movies. He tells fantastic stories (although the later films, since Seth Rogan introduced him to pot, have gotten a little more incoherent—one of them, he told a single story in response to the first question of the night, and it went for two hours—I couldn't tell if he was really caught up