
Boy, I hope I won't be kicking myself for not buying that (rather ridiculous) T-shirt I saw of Clinton at the State Fair. Young Bill in a Army of Darkness pose, fly wide open, Monica clinging to his leg, his sax strapped to his back, and, well, it was pretty much a shirt that I wasn't entirely sure if it was meant to

At least it's a proper month. Latinos get two halves of two months. Almost like we're getting a month under the desk.

What are you, 16?

Co-written by Boehner, possibly. Only his would be code: "Assholes."

It is safe to cut the cheese in Wisconsin.

Well played.

Hook thinking he could just barge in and handle Zelena was one of those classic OUaT moments when someone firmly and totally has their hands on the idiot ball. Bad enough Henry thought it could work, but Hook is magnificently stupid par excellance there.

Which is very true, but explaining those finer details are usually met with scoffing or annoyance. Pointing out that their groceries would be a fuckload more expensive is at least a quantifiable measure they themselves can usually understand a lot quicker. "Wait, shit, I don't want to have to actually pay what those

I'm still waiting for someone to ask these numbnuts if they like the idea of paying $10 for a single head of lettuce, because quite a lot of our cheap produce comes at the expense of illegal (and legal, but minority) labor. You know, the labor he wants to drive out of the country.

I only know of that album because they remixed a song from my favourite J-Rock band, Buck-Tick, and it's track 6.

I never heard of that happening. I have to remember to ask Reitman about it the next time he comes into the station.

Well, considering I like men, no. I've gotten some, but he's like an Olympic master at it.

My birthday brother is what Gabriel Iglesias would call "fluffy," and he's fruitier than Christmas fruitcake. And a shameless slut to boot. Kid gets more dick than I ever did, and I'm straight.

I have a feeling these same idiots will still, unironically, wander into a Taco Bell and get a Locos Taco.

Muppets, you ignorant sluts.

Trust me, you're not alone in that. We all regret you not taking the opportunity when it presented itself.

Miserable again. My bosses have decided to give preferential treatment to new hires and essentially fuck over those of us who have been there longer, so I had to work the entire weekend again (on a really messed up schedule where I was there 3-11PM Saturday, then had to run home, try to sleep, then get back by 7AM).

Hate-watching. That's what I've basically ended up doing. Besides also watching it just to see what crazy antics they come up with (and then completely forget two episodes in to do something else that makes no sense in context of what's gone on before). I can't quit you, OUaT, you fucking bastard.

He could have definitely been the one. He's just destroyed by the end of his New Adventures audio (and before Dark Eyes starts) that I could see him basically having lost hope and deciding it's for the best.

I'm long past sick of Clara, but I would still listen to a Clara Incarnations set, just to see what the writers came up with for her various lives.