
I love Lucie. Possibly because she's basically Donna, only she goes out with a (literally) bang.

The audios are why I am now going to conventions dressed as the Eighth Doctor in his Night of the Doctor costume, because there's so many damn Fourth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors running around, but I never see Eight. And he is damned awesome.

Waiting for sales or pre-purchasing, I've found, is the best investment. Like now: the Eighth Doctor's next series is currently only about $20 US digital download before it actually releases, when it then doubles in price.

Oh fuck yes, I hope McGann gets some more of his due on TV. I love his audios, but he needs to strut his stuff for everyone to see.

"Ambiguous" my ass.

Yeah, that's honestly what annoys me the most. Most of the CGI background additions are minor, and you'll really never notice them, but the attempts to tweak the cantina scene, and the whole Jabba sceneā€¦.they're fucking terrible. (That, and the replacement of Lapti Nek; fuck you, George, I like that song.)

Upvoted simply for similar feelings on Street Fighter.

Well, that too. At least you don't really see their faces.

I just finished watching this movie. Nice timing.

A LITTLE creepy? The fact that people use these dead bodies (some of them well-preserved enough that you could fucking Google them afterward) as mile markers is the worst part.

That one too is amazing.

The soundtrack to this was one if the first anime soundtracks I ever bought, and I was not disappointed. Except for the Chinese song, which, after the rest of the album, is a little like a sudden punch to the face.

Oh, Super Mario World. I didn't have a Super Nintendo when I was a kid (I went from an Atari 2600 to a Nintendo, then to Sega Genesis), but I had cousins and friends who owned it, and consequently, learned all of the secrets of the game when I didn't actually own a physical copy until about a year ago.

I loved Land and Land 2. Especially the music. But holy crap was Land so weird when you were used to the Nintendo games.

No; Super Mario Bros. USA wasn't originally a Mario game. The original Super Mario Bros. 2 (that we didn't get until they put it on Lost Levels) isn't vastly different from the original, just harder. And more of a pain in the ass.

I, for one, would buy the shit out of the New Ten and Donna Adventures. I'd just be making space next to Eight.

Definitely. 4:13 Dream and the self titled one are fucking terrible. They sound like a Cure cover band attempting very badly to sound exactly like the Cure and failing miserably.

He's always around, hovering in the background like that awkward stranger in your selfies.

I voted for DEEZ TITTIES, myself. I thought they had better opinions that gravitated closer to my own.

You might want to add the sidenote to that first one: is Trump and every other birther then insinuating Obama's mother was not an American?