
I will only pay attention to football once they start choreographed Riverdancing in the end zone with the entire team and the cheerleaders for every touch down.

That is one thing I'll give Apple; they have a base model of factor "Oh fuck no," but a top model of "Well, fuck YEAH."

Me too. And I've had a Note 2, and currently a Note 4. This "we want to copy Apple" bullshit means I'm looking somewhere else if the Note 6 isn't a 360 in terms of the SD and removable battery.

Hell, this is the strategy my friend uses to get new iPhones at cheaper cost. He plans on trying to break his 6 Plus (it already has a scratch on the front because he's horrible at keeping his phones protected, and I cringe every time I see them), just so he can get a newer 6 Plus, which he will then sell pretty much

I know I'm enjoying my Note 4 until it dies, since Samsung has basically ensured I won't buy another Note unless they remove their heads from their asses.

Or country music in general, at the very least.

Super Mario 3.

I just hope they replicate that entire page of him simply staring at his new scar. Only to say, after about two minutes or so…."fuck."

The houses those paychecks buy are swell.

Choking himself on Oreos was definitely the way to end that one.

Read his lips: no new ta—wait, daddy tried that one already? Fuck.

One has to wonder how they even managed to film that, considering the wind rushing through his empty head must have been horrific.

What I still can't believe is how they don't seem to grasp the fact that whitewashing US history also makes it so incredibly fucking dull that of course no one cares. I was mildly interested in history in school, but it wasn't until I graduated that I started reading history books on my own, and now I have a BA in it

I just want to get the vehicles. And if they do all of the Doctors so I can buy Eight as well, I'd be happy, but otherwise, they're…really kind of weird, and they make no sense to me when they're not bobbleheads.

But….a black sheriff?

That's because they're young and don't know any better.

I bought the Dia de los Muertos Vader T-shirt, and a pair of boxers for sleeping. But I also went on Friday, and was still pretty disappointed with the crap they had in general.

I have refused, and have stuck to it, to not play a single note of Christmas music at work until Christmas Eve, and boy did it used to piss my old boss off. I told her I was technically correct in playing the music OF THE DAY ON THE DAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED. (Also, fuck having to listen to that shit thirty days

I worked five because rich people need clean cars for reasons I don't understand.

I imagine it would be like the big mansions and buildings in The Fall of Hyperion which had a pretty damn funny moment at the end when an old woman was basically shot off her floor due to the fact she was hundreds of stories up with no actual door, and she dropped the "walls" so she could be picked up. According to