
I didn't get the last prizes for the first two, but I'll be damned if I won't get this last one so I can always be able to build the Monorail after this is done.

I would love to find that BB tie-in novel.

Wait, was anyone impressed by Civil War?

Yes. Because Americans are perfect, and race no longer exists because of Obama.

Honestly, if I thought anyone would be taking selfies with wax Hitler, it would be someone from Japan.

They're apparently compensating by being racist, though. Or so an article I read earlier today (yes, really) said.

A Pakistani Bond? Why not?

Believe Jackson basically said he wanted to be Fury if the movies were cast, but I'm not sure if it was a set in stone kinda' thing.

Considering white female porn stars can apparently dictate whether or not they will actually fuck a black porn star, I have no high hopes that outside of the US, anyone else would be any more tolerant of a black Bond.

Retcon? What a shock. /s I vaguely recall she basically "changed tactics" and decided Johnny was the only one reasonable to hit on after Ben disappeared because she was a spy, and she needed an excuse to stay around, so, well, it's not the worst attempt I've seen to explain away someone being a douche.

I get the feeling Noah was probably pretty far down, though on the other hand, he does have experience as a host, which is better than some of their choices probably were. I have a hard time believing they didn't probably work their way through quite a few US comedians first, though.

Hmm. True. I also didn't see that particular bit. To be fair, I'm not exactly wowed by him either, but I'm also not assuming he's the worst choice ever out of the gate, so I'm….veeerry cautiously optimistic.

That's why you use usernames. Damn kids these days, doing stupid shit under their real names…

I think I could live without correspondent segments entirely, honestly.

My understanding of the time frame is that those tweets were when he wasn't even a "comedian" yet, which doesn't excuse him from making stupid (and stereotypical) jokes, but it's still something like "oohh, Carson Daly tweeted a racist joke three years ago, he's a terrible comedian!" when he's….not a comedian. Should

Sell them to me….sell me your children!

"Moichandising, moichandising!"

I honestly only know this because I got the issue of FF in a box of comics that had Skrull Alicia explaining the whole damn thing, including her plan to leave Ben for Johnny because Ben had disappeared. So yeah, actually, might have been Secret Invasion. Never been a big FF fan to pay much attention otherwise, so

….wait, wasn't the Alicia who left Ben for Johnny actually that Skrull who took her place?

Last weekend was much better-Geek.Kon in Madison for my birthday-whereas this weekend has been minimal. Went to the Brewers game Friday (basically just to get a free hat and T-shirt), and hey, we won! And then lost Saturday, because we can't have nice things. Seeing as I'm stuck working weekends at the moment since