
I have absolutely no desire to watch movies about people driving cars really fast, but I'm still a little amused at the fact they didn't apparently give Walker's character a permanent way out.

I did get that one, and I don't dislike it, that's for sure.

Honestly, I've mistaken Puerto Ricans speaking Spanish as Russians, because they are damn near incomprehensible to me.

Harlan Ellison probably has his lawyer on speed-dial by this point, and I say that as someone who enjoys his work.

'eh. I'll cop to basically not caring about new soundtracks unless it's a Mario or Sonic game, and even those new ones I find to be rather dull in comparison to the music I grew up listening to. I guess I find the old limitations, and what they managed to do with them, way more interesting and attention-getting than

Replace "abuelita" with "mother" and that was basically my mother's childhood, so no…not really a joke.

We're just here to help.

They're hiding with the passengers from the planes that smashed into the Twin Towers, which were not actually full of passengers. It was all a ruse, and the government simply "disappeared" all of the actual people who had tickets.

Yeah, I remember that. I graduated high school two months after Columbine, and the Buffy finale was not too long after the shooting. And, though I can understand postponing episodes that resemble real life (like this current one), giant snake demons and vampires do not resemble Columbine.

That's also my plan for stopping drunk drivers: more drunk drivers.

I'll admit to being curious about what the Dwyer video looks like, but I'm also not going to try and look for it obsessively. Just knowing it exists in the wild is a little disconcerting.

Yeah, Cruella's inclusion was damned weird, considering she wasn't a magic user by any means in the original movie, yet they plopped her in the arc and gave her magic to make her fit. I agree with BatmanLannister that they picked someone who was the most well-known, but it was still ridiculous.

The secondary joy in watching the Trumpocalypse has been seeing Walker flailing like a desperate swimmer trying not to drown, and dropping in the polls. Sadly, this means he'll have to come back to the state at some point, but I suppose better a state governor than US president.

The scary part is that it would probably work like a charm.


That actually does look pretty funny.

I can't say I know this author—and that's not a slam, I genuinely don't know who he is—but I like this song, and I will still happily listen to quite a lot of the "over-sythesized, over-produced" music of my childhood. Which includes Genesis. And Huey Lewis. And goddamn Mr. Mister.

"Come on Eileen" is my 80's HateSong, so…you've now heard otherwise.

Come on, now; only the most clueless parents of the smartest tech kids will think that Best Buy ad is accurate.

Oh, I expected that.