
The increasing number of recording devices, up to and including human operators…."but that would be wong."

"Chumps don't want the help, chumps don't get the help!"

I used a part of "Sit on my Face" for a friend's ringtone. He's never heard it, and I'm not sure if he'd find if funny or weird, but dam it, it makes me snicker.

Could anyone watch that and keep a straight face? I lost it, too.

That dinner scene. "Fuck the shrimp!"

My dad's friend's son used to have a lot of them, but his mother—who is admittedly a bit crazy—tossed them in the trash behind his back in the late 80's. Gods only know how much he had that he could have sold and perhaps helped them pay the bills with now.

I admit, I have thought of it. In a funny way, it impacted mom too; the Post Office for years used to give minorities managerial jobs, but they didn't try to do the same for her because of her married name. It took a coworker to point it out (a coworker who had benefited, I should add), to which mom told the office

'eh, my dad has suggested I use my mother's maiden name for college identification, simply to get recognition for being a minority, since my legal last name is Olson. Mom's maiden name is very obviously Mexican.

I'm…not surprised at that? I mean, this is set after the Empire, which seemed to be pretty happy to not move forward in terms of tech or anything else whilst Palpy was in charge. Even though he's dead, it's doubtful everything is going to surge forward overnight, simply because remnants are still around who are


Ted? I remember her basically being….well, a toned-down version of Jackie from "That 70's Show." Definitely not a stretch of her talent.

……why am I even surprised about this? I don't know why. People will clearly try to believe anything, even when it's not possible. *facepalm*

Honestly, River being Bernice Summerfield would not be unlikely. I would not be surprised if Moffat has, or will, mentioned the character's influence when he created River.

Tennant was my first Doctor, but I was thrilled to see Smith out the door and Capaldi in. And yeah, Tennant is definitely a looker to me, but in a contest of which Doctor I want to see again on TV, McGann is who I want. (I'm even trying to slap together his "Night of the Doctor" costume for Geek.Kon. Probably not

Those fans? Are on Google+, and won't shut up.

Honestly, this has me way more interested than any of the tidbits they dropped about the prequels. For one, this actually feels like Star Wars.

Seriously, people are speculating he's based on Caedus? That doesn't make any sense.

Having a Welshman attempt a Scouse accent is still leagues better than Keanu Reeves in general.

Look for the Rifftrax version, and go hog wild.